Chapter 36

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Rosalind was very confused.

There were other thoughts running through her mind. Other feelings threatening to burst out. She was scared of what she might hear. She almost didn't want to ask for clarification. She couldn't stress over that which she didn't know about.

But the look on Tyler's face informed her that something was very wrong.

"What's going on, Tyler?!" she inquired as steadily as she could manage.

Tyler gulped. "You're going to be angry. And I want to start out by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying."

Rosalind motioned for him to continue. "Just tell me, damn it."

"I never cheated on Caroline," he started. "It was all a ruse. We needed you and Klaus to not suspect that Hayley and I were actually helping the hybrids break their sire bond. It was easier for us if you were mad enough to stay away from the house. To keep Klaus busy. We just wanted to help them be free..."

She paled. "Tyler... but... I told you that we could do it once I was in a better position with Klaus. If he finds out now, he'll kill them! I told you I'd work on it happening eventually, but not yet!"

"He knows," said Tyler brokenly. "Hayley told him. She made a deal with someone to get information about her family. The other twelve are going to be sacrificed. I-I didn't say anything, I thought you'd just tell Klaus since you're so close with him. Before I returned from the Appalachians, Hayley convinced me I couldn't trust you, and I... I believed her. When you admitted to me that you slept with Klaus, I knew I couldn't tell you."

"Oh," she whispered. "That day you came back. I had a feeling there was something you weren't telling me."

"I wanted to be honest with you, I wanted your help in it. And then you started calling Klaus your friend, your best friend, and I was scared you'd tell him." He looked quite distressed, increasingly so with each passing second. "I thought we were going to lock Klaus away in my body... I thought we'd be free and safe in case he ever chose to betray you... we'd have one Alpha and everything would be fine... I didn't think this was going to happen..."

Rosalind didn't make a note of the fact he was planning to be locked away without saying goodbye to her. "Tyler... where are the hybrids?"

"They're already being killed," he whispered. "Probably as we speak."

She had never really had the sensation of her organs twisting and forming painful knots, but in that moment, it felt like that was exactly what was happening. A horrible pit was developing in her stomach and she felt an immense pain with the dread that settled in along with the news.

I'm never going to see them again. Not alive. Not whole.

Twelve hybrids. Twelve friends. Twelve people she'd been responsible for.

All slaughtered by their creator. And where was she, the one who was supposed to protect them? Completely unaware until the last second.

She had never felt so useless. So defeated. So pathetic.

"Then you need to run," said Rosalind fearfully, preparing herself to not see Tyler again for a very, very long time. "Don't go into the house, don't stop anywhere. Run, just run, and get out of here. Get a new phone, use compulsion to get yourself clothes and other necessities. Just run and know that I love you. I'm going to talk to Klaus. I'll get him to spare you."

Tyler's eyes widened. "Rosie, no, he'll kill you!"

"Better than him killing you," said Rosalind, eyes watering. "Tyler, if I don't stand up to him, if I don't do something,he'll kill you or he'll kill your mom in retaliation. He's been invited into this house. I have to keep you both safe, so stop standing here staring at me and run!"

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