Chapter 33

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Rosalind was frustrated.

Elena noticed it from the second she walked into her house. But Rosalind knew she couldn't tell her. She was having enough of a moral dilemma wondering if she should tell Caroline or trust that Tyler would do the right thing and be honest with her. Rosalind would have liked to rant about Tyler and Hayley and the entire situation, but instead, she just asked Elena what she'd been up to.

"I went to Rebekah's party," she said as they sat on the couch to put on a movie. "She was a bitch, as per usual. She stole my daylight ring and tossed it down the drain. I almost got lit on fire as I tried to get it back."

Rosalind snorted. "Typical Rebekah. She's really not happy with the fact Klaus saved me and not her. I don't blame her, but he did say some pretty nasty things that made her want to move out. And now, it sounds like she's just rubbing in the fact she turned you into a vampire— unintentionally of course— and ruined everything for you. What a bitch."

Elena huffed. "Just when I'm really starting to feel... okay with this whole vampire thing, she has to remind me of all the reasons I'm not cut out for it. It's infuriating." She tilted her head. "What's bothering you? I know it's something."

She shrugged. "Can't really talk about it. And I'm not even supposed to be here because apparently you agreed with Klaus that keeping me on house arrest was the right thing."

"We both want to protect you," said Elena. "Rosalind... you mean a lot to me, and the hunter already got you three times. We're dealing with something we've never seen before and Klaus insisted he'd figure it all out. Just like you worry about me, I worry about you."

Elena smiled. "So, I hear I'm the hybrid stepmom now."

"Oh, god, did Klaus really put it into words that way?"

"I think he was trying to be funny. Which is weird because I wouldn't think Klaus a funny person."

"He's hilarious when he wants to be. The hybrids are pretending we're their parents now and it's... it's a little weird, but I truly think we're getting to the point where the hybrids are happy and they feel they can trust us, which is what we want. Though, it does seem to place us in a weird little throuple because Klaus cannot stop calling you my girlfriend, and what with the hybrids calling us 'Mom' and 'Dad,' people are probably starting to think Klaus and I are married and bringing a third into our bedroom."

She grinned. "Well, eventually I will be your girlfriend, so it's okay. I am really liking that we just... know we like each other but keep learning more about one another without jumping to an official relationship and kissing and all that. It feels... right. Taking this slowly. I just need the time to figure things out while I'm a vampire. Once I feel comfortable in this, I think we can start taking... more steps with each other."

"I just want you to be comfortable," said Rosalind. "I don't want to rush it. I know I probably shouldn't think we have all the time in the world to figure it out, considering we've both almost died and actually died several times, but... there is so much more ahead of us and I think the smartest thing to do is approach this maturely. As soon as this hunter business is over, I swear I'm going to take you on a formal date. You, me, some cute dresses, wine, a fancy dinner, a night in a kiosk under the stars, dancing. All that... 'near-touch' stuff that's supposed to build the tension, and then a perfect end with us getting milkshakes and fries to fall asleep in a tent by the lake."

"That sounds wonderful," said Elena. "I... I did want to admit something though. I'm having... thoughts. And feelings... that I don't quite understand."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, I just keep thinking back to the night we had the hybrid pool party and you in your bathing suit and I just keep... imagining it. This is so embarrassing... I feel like... excited when I think about it."

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