Chapter 63

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Luke lost.

They found Liv cradling his body at Whitmore Park. Kai was nowhere in sight.

"Shit," said Damon as they made their way toward her.

"He's gone," sobbed Liv, shaking her head and leaning down to press her forehead against Luke's. "We didn't get here in time. My dad fled like a coward."

"Where is Kai?" asked Jesse, concerned. "Did he do one of those invisible spell things?"

Liv nodded. "He did, but I don't... I don't think he's here anymore." She sniffled, smoothing her hand through Luke's hair. "Luke thought he could beat him. He thought he was strong enough. B-But Kai is a siphoner. If— if he had normal magic on top of that ability..." she whimpered, "Nobody stood a chance. Nobody."

Jo went to kneel beside her. "Oh, Luke," she whispered, her lip trembling. "Why...?"

"To save us," said Liv softly. "He saved us but now our coven is controlled by a madman. He's the most powerful witch in it now. And he's not gonna stop here... he's gonna fucking kill us..."

"We'll find him," said Bonnie confidently. "We'll find him and we'll... we'll think of something. There has to be a way to stop him from being the leader. To transfer it to you or Jo... to remove whatever spell that makes this necessary."

"Good luck with that," said Liv bitterly. "We don't stand a chance against Kai. And if we kill him, we take the whole coven down with us. Which wouldn't be the worst thing at this point, but it'll mean Luke's sacrifice was for nothing because Jo and I would die anyway."

Jo added, "Along with innocent witches who weren't even alive when Kai was sent to the prison world. Not all the coven members are good people, but there are children there. Young adults barely starting their lives. They don't deserve to die if Kai does."

Damon accompanied Liv, Jo, and Alaric to take Luke's body to the morgue, in order to be prepared for his funeral. Rosalind went home to tell Ruby the bad news. Unfortunately, she totally ruined her mood. Ruby had looked like she was floating upon arrival from her date with Enzo.

"And he took me to this roller skating place," said Ruby. "I hadn't roller skated in so long. And he'd never done it! I taught him how, and I think he liked it. Though, he might have been lying because he saw how happy I was."

"I'm glad you enjoyed your date," said Rosalind, as kindly as she could. "Listen, Ruby... I'm thinking maybe you would be happier joining Enzo... elsewhere, for awhile."

Ruby put her hands on her hips. "To protect me from Kai, you mean? You think he'll come after me?"

"We don't know what to think. But Bonnie, Elena, and I were talking, and we think we could get you and Enzo to stay at the Gilbert Lake House. Bonnie would cloak you, and Kai wouldn't be able to get you... if his intentions are foul in any way."

Ruby shook her head. "No, I don't think he'd hurt me."

"Ruby, we can't be sure about that. You two have a complicated relationship."

"Kai knows deep down that I was going to help him become leader. Now he is the leader. And whether he admits it or not, he knows he's responsible for me getting put in the prison world. To some extent, he has to care enough to spare me."

"And how can you guarantee that that's how he'll think?"

Ruby faltered. "I guess I can't be sure. But I also don't want to leave like a coward. I may hate what Kai did to his siblings, but we were each other's only company in the prison world for a long time. Despite the constant killing each other and being abusive, there were moments when I just cried and he'd sit with me. Not saying anything, not comforting me, but sitting there to keep me company. And when he'd get frustrated and break things, I'd join him. We'd destroy houses together and let that anger out. That was actually why we hooked up the first time. It helped keep us sane until I realized he wasn't getting any less violent. So I just decided it was time to separate. I meant something to him, and I doubt he'd kill me after all that. I won't run from him. He hates people who run away. That is what'll make him want to kill me."

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