Chapter 39

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They returned to the cabin for another night.

Perhaps they could have zipped through the forest and made it back to the airport by evening. But because of all the traps lying around, Rosalind had no inclination to walk faster solely to get back to Mystic Falls sooner. They had every advantage, what with the cure resting in her pocket, far from the reach of anyone else who was searching for it.

"The others would have been very displeased to find this," said Rosalind, laying on the air mattress and twirling the vial in her hand as she prepared to go to sleep. "Hmm. Now that there's only one, I don't quite know what to do with it. Eh. It'll come to mind." She tucked it in her bag.

Kol shrugged, stretching his legs and causing the air mattress to shift, nearly knocking Rosalind down. "As long as Silas isn't awake, I don't give a damn. Though, it might be good for spells."

She sneered mockingly. "You are ridiculous, caring so much about spells when you're a vampire. Newsflash— you haven't been a witch for a thousand years and you'll never be a witch again. Get over it."

He shot back, "I'll get over it when you get over your abandonment and mommy issues."

"You have mommy issues too. And daddy issues— which I don't have— and I am pretty sure you have some sort of abandonment issue or other trauma because your siblings never include you in things and you are desperate to get their attention and love. And it's Klaus that's the middle child, but somehow you're the one cast aside. You don't consider yourself as boring as Finn but you also didn't seem to be interesting enough for them. What a pity for you."

Kol hissed through his teeth. "I think I'll go to sleep now." He knew that the Rosalind he'd trained with and known just a few short weeks ago would never have been so cruel. He didn't want to hold it against her, but it really did sting to hear the truth.

Rosalind seemed unamused with the idea of him ending the conversation. "You sure about going to sleep so early?" she inquired, sitting up and sliding off her shirt.

He gulped, obtaining a view of her breasts when she unhooked her bra and left her chest bare. "Right now? We're on an air mattress. There are about a million more comfortable places."

Rosalind got out of the bed, slipping off her pajama pants. "Well, there's a floor and a wall and a partial bit of chimney. I'm bored."

"I think you still care," taunted Kol as he slipped off his own shirt. "You always felt bad for me when you had your humanity. You were decent with me, tried to make me feel included. And now, the conversation brought about your desire to please me, didn't it? To make me feel important?"

She swiped her leg out, knocking him to the floor and standing over his throat. "Stop talking," she seethed. "I am not going to tolerante the efforts of anyone trying to reconnect me with my humanity. I think I'll go to sleep."

That hadn't been Kol's aim. "Now, wait a moment," he said indignantly. "You started this and now—?"

"I'm ending it. Unless you beg."

"I am not begging."

"Please, Kol, I'm not an idiot. Your mommy and daddy issues are bad enough that you will beg." She slid off her underwear slowly, looking into his eyes, and leaving herself naked. She stood for a moment, showing off her body, then laid under the sheets as if she was going to sleep.

He couldn't help himself. He got back onto the mattress, reaching out and tracing a hand down her bare back. "Rosalind," he said sweetly. "Are you really going to make me beg?"

"Beg," she prompted. "Or I'll please myself while you watch. And I won't feel any pity while you sit there wishing I'd give you attention instead."

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