Chapter 49

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Sloan guided Elena to a chair.

"Stay still," Sloan said, holding up a blade.

"Hang on!" Rosalind snapped. "What's the knife for?"

"I need her blood for the spell," said Sloan.

Elena held out her palm, albeit hesitantly. Sloan cut into her hand, letting the blood fall into a round bowl beneath her. She let it flow for a bit, then dipped her hands in, placing her fingertips on Elena's forehead.

The Travelers started to chant in unison. Elena simply looked confused, eyes darting around, wondering what was supposed to be happening.

Sloan released her. "Considering you had no reaction at all, I'd say you're already the last of your line." She snapped her fingers at Stefan. "You next."

They switched spots. "You sure you're okay?" asked Rosalind, taking Elena's face in her hands. "You're not hurting anywhere?"

Elena shook her head. "No, I'm okay."

Sloan repeated the process with Stefan after wiping her hands clean. This time, when the Travelers started to chant, Stefan yelled out in pain.

"Oh, god," said Rosalind, wincing as he started to twitch in his chair.

Caroline looked very worried. "Why is this taking so long?" She asked after several screams left Stefan's mouth.

"Just a little deeper," said Sloan, concentrating. "I see him... he's in a city."

"There's only about a billion cities in the world," muttered Rosalind. "Hey!" She noticed Stefan was starting to tremble far too much. "You're hurting him!"

Stefan croaked out, "He's in Atlanta."

"Stop it!" cried Elena. "You found him already!"

"Keep going!" said Sloan to the other Travelers. "Push harder!"

"What the fuck?" demanded Rosalind. "You just said where he is, why aren't you stopping."

"We're not done," said Sloan. "The link isn't strong enough. We need more information."

"Just because he's a vampire doesn't mean you're not damaging him!" said Elena. "Let him go!"

"We need the doppelgänger dead," said Sloan. "Louder! And—" she faced the girls, "If you hurt me, they'll kill you."

"Wait a second," said Rosalind. "Pause. Are you trying to kill this other doppelgänger through Stefan? Why not just send a hitman when you get the location?"

Sloan released Stefan, motioning for the Travelers to stop. "Congratulations. You just volunteered."

Rosalind stared at her. "That's not what I meant."

"It is, now. As soon as Enzo's back, you will go with him."

"No," said Elena. "I'll go with her."

"Elena, no," said Rosalind. "If we're going to have to kill him... it should be me. You and Caroline shouldn't have this on your conscience. Enzo and I... we've killed a lot. It'll be just another body. Stay with Stefan. Make sure she doesn't try to deep-fry his brain again."

As soon as Enzo returned, Sloan practically shoved her in a car with him, instructing him to drive to Atlanta.

"He's a paramedic," said Sloan before they pulled off. "He's at a car accident, helping someone. Get to it."

Rosalind was in a sour mood the entire drive. "That's so specific," she muttered to herself. "A guy that looks exactly like Stefan, but is a paramedic, at a car accident who-knows-where. So helpful."

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