Chapter 32

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Elena was getting the hang of things.

From Rosalind's standpoint, she was really beginning to flourish even as a creature she hadn't wanted to become. She had her routine set in stone: train in the morning with Rosalind, go to school (which was tough because Alaric was gone and Rebekah was being a bitch about it), spend time with Caroline and Bonnie, then go home to do homework.

Rosalind's own routine was fairly similar. Train with Elena in the morning, then during the day with Klaus and the hybrids while Elena was at school. In the afternoons, she sometimes had swim meet lifeguard duty, and in the evening, she would go and check on Bonnie, often making dinner there with her prior to heading to her own house.

For a moment, it was like everything would be fine and normal. The hybrids were improving in their training, and Rosalind was getting to know all of them a lot better after the dinner they'd had. Even Kim was being friendlier now that she realized that Rosalind wasn't forcing them to do anything. She let everything be a choice: do or don't participate in training. Do or don't eat lunch with the other hybrids. Do or don't stay in the mansion. Simple.

Almost all the hybrids liked the training, and having lunch together, and living in the mansion. Klaus was getting used to not commanding them to run errands for him. Instead, he'd tell Rosalind while she was out and about if he needed something, and she would get it for him, like any friend would. Though, sometimes, she wasn't able to, and he actually had to go do some shopping on his own.

But then, out of nowhere, they'd heard reports of an explosion at the Young Farm, having happened just days after they'd rescued Elena, Caroline, Rebekah, and Stefan from the Council members. Twelve of whom were now dead, in pieces.

"Stefan," said Rosalind blandly while she picked up some food at the Grill for her aunt. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Did you do it?" he inquired.

"Do what?"

"The explosion at the Young Farm."

"Why would I blow anything up? Have I ever struck you as a pyromaniac?"

"No, but I heard you said you wanted to kill every last Council member that was involved in kidnapping us. You killed two of them when we were there."

Rosalind huffed. "As a favor to the people I care about, I didn't do shit to any of those Council people. Besides, not everyone who died in that explosion was involved, my aunt told me. If I wanted to commit a mass murder, you know what I'd do? I'd rip them apart, and Klaus would definitely be present taking Polaroid pictures of the whole scene. Very gorey, with many bits left behind as proof. Not just ashes in a farmhouse." She brushed past him. "Excuse me, my aunt needs me to take her dinner."

She arrived at the Lockwood Mansion at the same time as a strange man wearing fingerless leather gloves. "Good evening," he said, following her as she carried the food in one hand and her keys in the other. "I'm assuming you live here?"

"Yeah," she said dismissively. "What do you need?"

He extended his hand. "I need to speak with the Mayor. My name's Connor Jordan."

"Full hands," she said, hastily fist-bumping him and then opening the door. "Aunt Carol! Someone is here to talk to you."

Her aunt entered from the other room, and came to greet the man. Rosalind remained beside her. "May I help you?" asked Carol.

"Good evening," said Connor. "I'm hoping I can help you actually. I spoke with Sheriff Forbes earlier. My name is Connor Jordan." He extended his hand, and she shook it.

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