Chapter 44

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They went back to Whitmore.

It was Saturday, and they should have been in a great mood, even excited to go to the Whitmore Historical Ball. But it was hard to be thrilled about anything when they had no clue how to help Matt. Or what to do about the Katherine situation.

"Something really weird is going on," said Tyler when he found them preparing costumes in the dorm. "Jesse's completely M.I.A. We were supposed to go on another run today."

Rosalind frowned. "When did you last see him?"

"Thursday. We went on a run, and I slipped him some blood in his post-workout pomegranate juice. I figured it would help him so he wouldn't be in pain. But now he's gone. By my calculations, he should have been there and been fine, but now he isn't."

"Wait, wait, what?" said Caroline. "You fed him your blood? Tyler, he must have freaked out if he was suddenly healed from an injury that's been bothering him for so long. You need to find him! What if somebody kills him? What if he got into an accident?"

The hybrid held up his hands in surrender. "I will check the hospital and his dorm." He made to walk out, turning last minute to say to Caroline, "And just pick something for me, I have no idea what to wear."

"Don't worry!" said Caroline. "We're going to be Bonnie and Clyde."

Bonnie smiled. "And what are you going to be, Elena?"

"Anne Boleyn," said Elena, holding up a red dress that was as close to accurate as one could possibly be when it came to last-minute costumes. Rosalind thought it looked rather nice. "Rosalind, what do you want to be?"

She shrugged. "Well, there's another dress in the batch similar to the one you picked so I could be a... lady from the same time period as you?"

"Or Henry the Eighth," said Bonnie, holding up a white shirt and a grey necklace with a pattern of ornate squares. Rosalind had seen it in a show or a movie, she just couldn't remember which.

Rosalind hummed. "Well, I'm not putting my hair up, but I think I can rock that Henry the Eighth costume. Even though I am a big fan of dresses, especially those cute poofy ones. Oh, well, there will be another occasion." She took the shirt from Bonnie. "What about you? What are you going to wear? You said Jeremy was coming, right?"

Bonnie nodded. "Neither of us really know what to wear and Jeremy jokingly suggested pretending to be Greek deities so I think I could just put on a peplos dress and say I'm Hecate. Jeremy likes using his crossbow so he can be... Apollo."

"Question," said Rosalind, slipping off her pants to try on the ones that came with the Henry the Eighth costume. "Do you think Dr. Dickfield will be there? Maybe we could try to isolate him or something."

"Good thinking," said Elena. "We should talk to him, try to get him alone. Ooh—" she noticed the pants slipped right off of Rosalind. "Okay, I have some dress pants that might fit you better than that." She went over to one of her drawers to look.

"So," said Caroline curiously, "are you two like... an official thing?"

Both girls looked up. "We will be tomorrow," said Rosalind, winking at Elena. "That's the plan, at least, which nobodybetter mess up."

Elena handed her the dress pants with a smile. "It'll be fun to share clothes, now that I think of it. We're the same size, Rosalind's just a little taller."

"Three inches taller," said Rosalind pointedly. "Which makes these dress pants hang... three inches above my ankle. I guess I can wear my black boots and hope nobody looks down."

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