Chapter 19

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A/N: Wanted to start off with a note about the necklace Rosalind gave to Elena. Initially, I made it a fleur de lis necklace because it's a symbol I see in The Originals a lot and I figured it would be cute, but someone told me that it was used in the American South to brand slaves so I changed it on all platforms to be a butterfly pendant.


Bill survived... barely.

She only just managed to stop Tyler from biting into his neck, which would have killed him instantly.

"NO!" yelled Rosalind, tackling him to the ground. "Tyler, stop it! STOP!"

He clawed at her angrily, but she ignored the pain, keeping him pinned down. "Tyler— please stop— please!"

He was still trying to scramble to his feet, urged by the smell of blood from Bill's injury. "STOP IT!" yelled Rosalind, smacking him on the head when he clawed at her leg, splitting it open. "Between us, I'm the fucking Alpha, and I am telling you to stop. NOW!"

Tyler stopped struggling, but growled up at her. "Stay here," she demanded. "Don't go anywhere or I will come back and stake you to the wall! Calm yourself down."

She got off of him, and picked up Bill Forbes, annoyed that he couldn't have listened to her in the first place and just gone behind the gate when she told him to. She dragged him out of the cellar, and was going to carry him to her car when Damon arrived with a coffin.

"Awkward," she said, considering Bill was dying. "Why are you here?"

"Better question," said Damon. "Why is he here?"

"He's helping Tyler not be—" she mouthed, 'sired to Klaus!' "But Tyler attacked him. So how about—" she handed Bill Forbes to him, "You take him to the hospital and I do whatever it is you need with that coffin? I'm assuming it belongs to our very best friend?"

"Yeah," replied Damon, grabbing Bill and making a face. "Put it in the cave with the runes, past where the vampires can't go in."

"Good idea. Make sure he lives."

"No promises."

He sped away. Rosalind knelt down, and groaned loudly as she carried the coffin down past Tyler, who had turned back, and was shivering, asleep. It was a struggle taking it into the cave by herself, but she managed it, and ran out to the cellar once she plopped it onto the floor.

"Tyler," she said, shaking him. "Tyler, are you okay?"

"I'm okay," he said groggily. "What happened?"

"You attacked Bill Forbes. I told him to get behind the gate and he didn't!"

"I attacked him?" said Tyler. "Crap, where is he? Is he dead?"

"Damon took him to the hospital, I hope he'll be okay. You did it, you turned at will."

"That's it, right? I'm done?"

"Hell no you're not done. Bill and I agree that the turning has to be painless and just a quick little thing. You should be able to think, and seconds later be in wolf form. So there's a lot more work to be done."

"I can't do it here... I should go do this somewhere I can roam free, Rosie. Chains aren't going to hold me anymore. And I don't think it helps being confined here."

"Well, whatever you need to do, I'll try and help you. Come on, let's get to the hospital and make sure Bill is okay."

Upon arrival, Rosalind received a text from Alaric, who had been present when Bill was brought in. He informed her that a doctor, Meredith Fell, had given him vampire blood and he'd survived. Turns out the blood came from Damon, who Meredith had vervain'ed and extracted it from earlier.

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