Chapter 58

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Kai was ready to leave

"Well, this has been fun," he said, walking to where Rosalind was standing. He didn't sound like he meant his words. "But it's time for me to get going."

"I suggest you go the other way," said Rosalind, noticing he was about to step over the anti-magic border. "I can kill you in the real world. I'd rather not do that, since Ruby is right. You deserve to be free, everyone does. Go live the life you didn't get to. Send us a postcard." She took the pen she still had in her pocket, and grabbed his arm, writing her phone number on his hand. "You get into trouble, call this number. Within reason, I'll help. But this is your start with getting to be more independent. Try not to rely on me, or anyone else."

Kai was surprised to see her do this. But whatever he was feeling regarding her actions, he didn't voice it. His expression was hard to read. "Do you have money?" he asked dryly. "Can't leave town without something to get me started."

"I don't have cash right now," said Rosalind. "I can help you set up a bank account and compel you something to get started. But right now..." she glanced toward Mystic Falls, then away from it, "I need to find my girl."

"I'll go with you," said Kai. "Unless you want to let a sociopath loose in Mystic Falls."

"Are you threatening me?" asked Rosalind, narrowing her eyes at him.

He smiled. "It could be a threat."

"You are so pleasant," said Rosalind sarcastically. She turned to Ruby and Bonnie. "What's the verdict?"

"Just let him come with," said Ruby with a shrug. "We can tolerate him for a bit longer."

"Who are you going to call first?" asked Bonnie as Rosalind led the way to the main road. "Elena? She might—"

"—pass out," finished Rosalind. "That, or she's in class. It's midday. No, I'm going to call Damon. He'll gather them without telling them and we can surprise them. Get them all in one building, make it easier on everybody. I'll see if he can lure them to my apartment in Whitmore... assuming Tyler didn't get rid of it and go with Caroline somewhere."

They found a man in a truck driving out of Mystic Falls. He stopped when he saw Rosalind waving.

"Hey there," she said, looking into his eyes. "We need your phone, and a ride to Whitmore College."

"Sure," he replied. "I'll give you a ride."

They climbed into the truck, with Rosalind in the front, and Kai between Ruby and Bonnie. Ruby suggested they put Kai in the trunk.

Rosalind dialed Damon's number, waiting for him to answer. The phone was propped up on her shoulder while she looked out the window, relieved to finally recognize buildings as they looked in 2012.

"Who's this?"

"Damon," she replied. "It's Rosalind."

"Rosalind? How the hell are you calling me right now?"

"That is a long story. Can you get everyone to meet at my apartment, please? Bonnie and I are on our way there."

"Bonnie's with you? You two are alive?"

Rosalind smiled. "Yeah. Just... get everyone. See if my Aunt Carol can come, too."

"You got it. Hey... welcome back to the land of the living."

"Thanks. I'll see you soon, we're about thirty minutes away."

"Got it. We'll be there before you arrive."

She hung up, and turned to Ruby and Bonnie, faltering when she noticed Ruby was picking at her nails again. "You okay?"

"Nervous," she admitted. "Damon... that's the one that killed Mason, isn't it?"

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