7; You're the devil!

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"Y/n what happened?" Sanzu asks while Takeomi gets you an ice pack.

He gets up observing your neck.

You push him away with your two hands."Nothing happened. It was from the mission yesterday." you said taking the ice pack from Takeomi. "Thank you."

"Those look like fresh bruises." He said pointing at it. "Oh yeah I also fell down the stairs today.." you said fake laughing.

"Y/n...stop lying." Takeomi said crossing his arms.

You put your hands up in defeat. "Seriously guys. It's nothing just enjoy your food." That being said Ran walks in and everyone turns to him.

Sanzu runs and punches him as hard as he can in the face.

"Sanzu stop!!" you try to go stop him but Takeomi holds you. "Take?" you look at him but he has killer eyes, like he saw his prey and is ready to attack.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Sanzu shouts while sitting on top of Ran and punching him in between every word.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" you shout, stopping Sanzu.

You run and pull him back. "He didn't do anything!" you cry.

"Y/n..." Sanzu whispers.

You help Ran get back on his feet and give him the ice pack. "Hold this on your cheek, or else it'll bruise."

"I don't believe that this bastard didn't do anything to you." he said pulling out a knife, pointing it at Ran's neck.

You sigh and grab the blade, letting it cut the inside of your hand. Ran's eyes widen at what you're doing.

"Y-Y/n let go you're bleeding!" Sanzu says worried.

"Oi Takeomi! Tell her something!" he said looking back at his brother who's leaning on the couch crossed arm watching everything.

"I told you, Ran didn't do anything to me." you said looking into Sanzu's eyes. Your eyes were much darker than Mikey's dark impulse eyes. You looked so scary and terrifying Sanzu let go of the knife.

You throw the knife in the air catching it on the handle part.

"Now. Sit down and eat the food." you demand walking to the kitchen. They did as you said.

"Hm." Mikey said standing by the door munching on a doriyaki.

"Mikey! It's dinner time enough of that!" you said grabbing the empty wrapper with your bloody hand.

"Boss did you hear everything?" Takeomi asked watching Mikey sit down. He nodded in response.

"She said it was from the accident yesterday, it can't be helped." He said eating the food that's in front of him.

Sanzu exhales and glares at Ran who has the biggest grin on his face.

Fucking bastard.

You finally join the men around the table, eating small bites at a time.

"Hey Y/n" Takeomi said resting his chin in the palm of his hand. "I've never seen you eat properly, you're barely eating right now."

"You are pretty thin, you should eat." Sanzu added taking a bite.

"Oh I- I'm just not hungry..." you said feeling attacked. "Just eat it. You don't have any meat on your bones." Sanzu said.

"Guys I seriously am not hungry-

"Stop bothering her.." Mikey said quietly.

You stand up and put your chair in. "I'll be excusing myself, the restroom is calling." you said speeding away.

"We were just trying to help." Sanzu pouted.

"Well you're not helping her in the slighest." Ran said loosing his grin. "Oh really? You've got some nerve bastard."

Takeomi puts his hand on Sanzu's shoulder signaling him to stop.

"The girl's got an eating disorder." Ran finally said.

"Are you serious? because that's not funny." Sanzu said. "Does it look like I'm joking?" he replied snarkly.

"Shit I should go apologize." he said standing up but his big brother was quick to stop him again. "You didn't know but she knows you were trying to do good, so just sit down. Someone with such a health issue doesn't want to be reminded of it."

"You're right big bro." he replied sitting back down.

How does Ran know? you ask yourself while eavesdropping.

Suddenly the door busts open, Rindou is being carried by Mochi that's covered in blood with bloody Kokonoi and Kakucho behind them.

All the men shoot up from the table.

"RINDOU!" Ran shouts looking at his heavily injured brother in Mochis arms. "Give him to me quick!" he shouted taking his brother and placing him on the couch.

"Careful!" Kokonoi said.

"What happened?" Mikey demanded to know. "It got bad these motherfuckers had a grudge on the Haitani's apparently back then they were a gang in Roppongi and the brothers ruined their image." Kokonoi explain.

Rindou is heavily breathing on the couch trying to stay consious.

You quickly get a towel and start cleanig up the blood on his face. "Rin." you said worried.

Ran covers his upper face in frustration. "FUCK!" he screamed.

"Apparently Ran was the one who beat their leader and they took it out on-

"KOKO!" Rindou was able to shout grabbing his arm. "N-Nothing happened. I'll be fine." he said with a smile.

"Rin! stop moving you're making it worse." you said taking off his suite, exposing his tattoed body.

You stand back in shock. Everyone turns on the sound of your gasping sound and see his body.

3 bullets in his abdomen.


You quickly look at Ran who didn't even seem to care.

He's heartless. you thought.

You put your hand on his wounds compressing the blood so it doesn't ooze out and he doesn't die from blood lust. "Someone get me a towel!" you demanded.

Kakucho runs and gets you a couple. The whole room is in panic and Rindou doesn't even have energy to talk.

You sit there compressing his wounds and the others help you while Mochi is calling the surgeon. You push Rin's hair back from his forehead about to tear up.

"Y/n-chan..d-don't...be upset." He struggled to say. "Shhh! you'll be fine I know you will." you replied.

"Can all of you just calm down?" Ran said just standing there leaning on the counter.

"Ran!" you said looking at him, your eyes as dark as ever but he doesn't care. "Stop making this a big deal. He'll be okay." he said rolling his eyes walking towards the exit.

"You're the devil!" you whispered.

"I heard that princess. Don't think you know me." he added walking out to his room.

"He's the worst!" you said. "Cut him some slack Y/N-chan." Rindou said smiling. You look around you and all the men are smiling.

"He always knows how to lighten up the mood." Kakucho said sitting down while the surgeon enters.

"What?" you asked angrily.

"Y/N he's not the cold hearted guy you think he is." Takeomi added.

"Alright, i'll be transfering him to the nursery. It'll take a couple hours." the surgeon said. "You have one hour." Mikey demanded. "S-Sure." the surgeon replied frightened.

Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now