9; You're the reason!

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"Oh my big mouth." Ran said chuckling and covering his mouth. "You did that on purpose. idiot." Mikey rested his hand on his forehead.

"What is this about?" Kakucho asks while shutting the door and walking in.

"Sit down." Mikey demanded and he sat on the chair next to the eldest Haitani.

"It's about Izana." Ran added. Kakucho's eyes widen and he looks back and forth from Mikey to Ran.

"And Y/N" Mikey said.

"How? They're connected?" Kakucho asks while his heartbeat is increasing.

"You remember when we were in prison right ages ago?" Ran asked him and Kaku hums in response. "Izana told us that there would be a vice captain for tenjiku that he met in prison. The person he shared a cell with. The person who trained him to become the sacrificing killer machine that led him to his death."

"What are you getting at? Just spit it out!" Kakucho said growing angry.

"That person is L/N Y/N." Ran finally said.


"Y/N! He just woke up go easy." Mochi said grinding his teeth watching you jump on hurt Rindou.

"RIIIN! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OK!" you said crying into his body. Rindou pats your head laughing. "Yosh Yosh Y/N."

"Where are those two?" Kokonoi asked placing water on his side counter.

"We're here." Ran said entering the room with Kaku and Mikey.

"Ran.." Rin said looking at his brother. Ran walked up to him dabbing him up. "Later explain to me what happened. If it's revenge they want than it's revenge I'll give them." he said smirking devilishly.

Mikey walked up to you and kisses you on the cheek. "How did training go?" he asked. You blushed remembering what happened in the beginning and Sanzu giggles at your reaction. "It went well..." you said rolling your eyes at Sanzu.

"Hey Kaku we're still on for tomorrow right?" you asked turning around facing him. His glare was ice cold you felt he was murdering you in his mind. "Kaku?" you ask confused.

"I don't think you need training." he said.

Kokonoi and Sanzu noticed that something is wrong and exchanged a look with each other.

"Oh uh. Thanks?" you thanked confused. Kakucho turns around walking away but before he exited the room he said. "Yeah whatever."

You turn to Mikey and before you got to ask he says

"He knows."

Your eyes widen and your heart drops to your feet. Y/N runs out the room which causes everyone to be confused. Sanzu is about to follow but Mikey stands in front of the door blocking it. "don't."

"Kaku! Kaku wait!" you yell running behind him but he's ignoring you. He walks up to his door and turns his door knob.

"Kakucho!" you shout again making him stop his traces and look down, then face you.

"What?" he asks aggressively.

"You know..."

"I do. And since you understand then just leave me alone please." he said.

"But... I didn't mean for that to happen. I loved him." you said tearing up.

"Don't cry!" he shouts making you jump. "Stop acting innocent, stop pretending to be the nice girl you want us all to think you are."

"I wasn't trying to hide it!"

"I DON'T CARE! YOU'RE THE REASON HE DIED!" he shouts on the top of his lungs.

"If he...If he just didn't listen to you, his revenge on Mikey would've never happened and...and I would've died instead of him...

If YOU didn't run your mouth then he would've been alive...

...He died for me to live, and I haven't proven my worth and will forever live with that pain".

"SHUT UP!" you yell back at him. Y/n steps closer to him with dark eyes, pitch black.

"You don't know anything. He was my best friend. If I didn't tell him or train him the way I did he would've killed himself. You weren't there Kakucho! You don't understand shit!! AT LEAST HE DIED PROTECTING SOMEONE HE LOVES!"

Kakucho just looked at you, his eyes they look guilty but his mouth wasn't.


Kakucho is conflicted, he wants to comfort you but part of him hates you.

"You're the reason it happened-


You slap Kakucho and speed walk away into your room. Crying on your bed.

"A criminal like you doesn't deserve to be upset." he said opening his door, but suddenly he sees Ran leaning next to his door.

"A little harsh don't you think?"

"Are you not upset?" Kaku aks the latter.

"Why would I be? Ultimately Izana decided to protect you in that moment not Y/n." he adds while walking away. "Go cool off."


After the incident...

You're in your room laying on your bed while looking out the window admiring the quiet view.

All they do is judge me. They don't even know me or know what happened with Izana.

I miss you...I miss you everyday. Why did you have to go so early?

You pull down your sweatpants and look at your tattoo on your thigh.

Your faded Bonten tattoo.

We planned for this future Izana...But now I'm in it all alone. You were supposed to rule this country. 10 years I've had this on my body.

I don't know why I want to hide it from Sanzu...I don't know if I want to give my all to him.

"Hey" a familiar voice said near the door. "Sanzu hey..." you said back, pulling up your pants. "Do you want company?" he asked walking closer to you stroking your arm.

You softly push his hand back. "No...not today please." you said giving him a small smile. "Don't worry about it love..." he said leaving.

You don't know anything...

Hours and hours go by, your body just gets up and leaves your room. It's 2 am and you find yourself walking around the quiet mansion. Y/n continues to explore and finds herself infront of a door.

Ran's door.

You stand there for a couple mins and decide to leave but the second you move your foot the door opens.

You turn around facing the tall latter. He is smiling like always. "Ran..." you look at him saddened. He moves out the way letting you enter his room.

Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now