29; it's my fault

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Y/n gets ready to leave the house. You don't have any work today either. You're dressed cute for the mall, wearing a black skirt with a tank top.

"Y/n! Are you going anywhere?" Mochi asks as you're baking cookies. "A date?!" Koko jumps in.

"Actually I-

"Oiiiiii Y/n is going on a date!" Rindou shouts and everyone appears in the kitchen. You deadplan.

"Y/n this is an important week for us." Mikey glances at you.

"Who's the guy?" Sanzu asks. You look at Ran and he's smirking.

"Ok. Not that it's anyones business but I'm actually going out with MY FRIENDS Yuzuha, Senju, and Hina."

"Oh God." Sanzu and Takeomi say at the same time.

"What?" you ask confused. All of them walk away leaving you alone in the kitchen.

"Have fun." Ran says.

What's up with them?


I'm kind of early but it's fine. I don't mind waiting.

"What a pretty girl alone on the street!" a male voice says from behind you. You roll your eyes turning around ready to insult him but your body freezes as you see the man in front of you.

Tears form in your eyes and you drop your purse running into his arms.


"How are you alive?" You ask looking up at him as he returns your hug. "Now that's a long story."

Y/n let's him go and is shacking. "I cant process this."

"Y/n...I'm finally going to kill Manjiro" he says with darkened eyes. "Izana...it won't change anything."

"Yes it will!! I'll be happy."

"No tou won't." you stand your ground finally collecting yourself.

"I don't expect you to understand, you changed. You're too soft now." he says shaking his head. "No, I just understand how the world actually works."

Suddenly Izana pulls out his gun and aims it to your forehead.


"I'm serious." Izana laughs. You shove your forehead into his gun.

"Did you forget?" you smile.

"Oh seems like I did" he puts his gun away "you don't actually want to live."

"What do you want from me?" you ask leaning on the railing next to you. "Come with me." he says turning around. You stay silent raising your eyebrows.

"I'm not joining you."

"Awww but our dream?" he throws his head back to look at you. "Our dream was Bonten. And you're supposed to be dead."

"Do you hate me that much?" Izana pouts sarcastically.

"I love you Izana, but fate can't be changed. If you're meant to die, then you'll die at some point."

"Oh? But don't we all die?" he asks.

"Young or old we die the same way we were meant to leave."

"Then you wouldn't get along with Takemitchi and my—

"Like an idiot I worked with him to save you and Mucho. But now I realized, the dead should stay dead." your eyes darken.

"There she is!" he claps seeing the look on your face.

"Fine, since you won't join me. Come with me; I'll use you as a hostage."

"What makes you think I'll go with you?" You ask him crossing your arms. Izana pulls out his phone and shows you a video of Yuzhua tied up next to Mucho.

"If you don't come with me her head goes flying."

"You're as sick as always." You start walking with him.


"Go. Give them the message." Mucho says untying Yuzuha. "Why are you guys doing this?! Please don't hurt Y/n!"

Mucho holds her cheek giving her a small smile "I'd never hurt her."

Yuzuha steps back "I'm not sending any message!"

"Then she'll die." he replies. "But you said you'd never hurt her!" Yuzuha tears up. "I said I wouldn't, I can't say that about Izana." he shrugs. "You guys are monsters." Yuhuza collects herself.

Mucho looses his smile and turns around walking away, but Yuzuha runs and strikes him. Mucho blocks her kick and Yuzuha fall down, but he catches her by the wrist.

"You're as reckless as Hakkai." he says nonchalantly. "Don't you dare say his name." she grinds her teeth. Yuzuha stands up and runs out crying.

"I don't miss those siblings at all." Mucho massages his temple.


"It's been 8 hours since she's been gone." Kokonoi says fidgeting. "She hasn't even called nor texted." Sanzu adds playing with his fingers. "What if something happened?" Kakucho asks concerned.

"Ran do you not care? She's your partner?" Rindou asks his brother who's on his phone. Ran looks up with no expression. "You guys are just obsessed."

"She's a huge target! What if she got hurt??" Mochi asks standing up. "Hm this is unusual of her." Takeomi adds. Mikey hums holding his cheek.

Suddenly loud knocks are heard at the front door. All the men turn their head and see a shadow of someone outside. Koko claps his hands for the maids to open the door.

"Who is that?" Sanzu takes a pill to calm his nerves.

"Ma'am you can't just go in there!!" the maid yells as the person by the front door runs in crying. All the me stand up expect for Mikey, moving their hands to their pockets where their guns are hiden.

"M-Mikey!" the girl cries stopping in front of all the men. "Yuzuha!" Koko's eyes widen. "Koko-kun." she breaks down crying even more.

Mikey walks up to her and holds her shoulder "What happened?" he asks the distressed girl. Koko walks towards her and directs her to the couch sitting her down. Ran tilts his head in confusion "Where is she?" he asks in a serious tone.

Yuzuha faces Ran but doesn't have the courage to tell him Y/n has been kidnapped. "I'm so sorry Ran" she covers her face. Ran's body feels a rush all he's thinking is 'What happened?' 'is she okay' 'If anyone hurt her I swear to god I'l-'

Kakucho brings her water and they give her some time to collect herself. Koko pats her back "When you're ready please explain." he hugs her with one arm.

"Y/n, Senju, Hina and I were supposed to meet up today.. *sniff* a couple of men approached me and told me if I don't come with them they would kill Senju and Hina, *sniff* he showed me the snippers that were hiding. I-I went with them and Mucho tied me up and... he said once Izana has captured Y/n he'd led me go, he took a video of me and sent it to him, not even a second later and he let me go... they- they have Y/N and I don't know what they're planning on doing! *sniff* Mucho told me to send you guys a message, I've fallen into his trap.. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" she sobs.

All the men step back in shock, Mikey sits back down covering his face. "Control yourselves." Takeomi says while kicking a chair. Ran walks towards Yuzuha and holds her jaw turning her face towards him "Seems like he didn't hurt you." Ran says analyzing her face.

"Ran it's all my fault.."

Ran pats her head "No, It's our fault for not protecting her." he walks towards the door grabbing his jacket.

"Oi Ran." Rindou says. "hm?"

"Why aren't you shocked?"

Ran looks around seeing the expression on everyone's face.

"Izana is alive?" Kakucho covers his mouth.

Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now