12; Your ambition is pointless

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The higher ups believed I was too dangerous to have lunch and socialize with others, so I spent my time in my cell. Once Mucho came along to get Izana and that's how we met. For a moment it was just the two of us and we spiked a conversation.

He repeatedly said I wasn't a bad person, he said the reasons I did what I did don't make me bad because no one in this world is good.

We're all fueled by love which causes us to do the things we do. We get hurt either way and we hurt others in response.

He flipped my switch and helped me become a more sympathetic human being. He was also my first love.

Well he didn't know that, I respected him too much to ruin our bond with childish romance.

After that I was flooded with guilt and anger. I would see Izana everyday and realize I've corrupted him even more than he was. Unfortunately it was late to do anything about it because he was getting released in a week.

I grew to love him and we were truly best friends. Two evil beings. But in the last week I drilled as much things into him as I could.

"Protect the ones who care for you"

"Revenge will hurt the boy you always talk about"

"These guys look up to you"

"Sacrificing yourself to save someone is ok"

When I said things like that he wouldn't disagree nor ask. But he'd say;

"I lost the one person I truly loved, he lied to me."

"We hurt and we get hurt. Someone might think they're protecting you but in reality they're hurting you, and vise versa. Understanding all point of views will change your perspective. Focus on who you have now, don't loose them under any circumstance." I said to him.

But this isn't the end....

Izana and I had planned our future together, we became partners and were ready to rule the world. His passion and ambition was so high and I wanted to see him succeed.

We created a vision together called "Bonten".

You pull your shorts up showing your faded bonten tattoo to all the men and they stare in silence

We chose a symbol and once both of us were out at the same time we would create it, after something else though.

His current plan was "tenjiku"

He promised me that I would be the vice captain even though I didn't want anything to do with his revenge.

That's why your tenjiku never had a vice captain, there was only the "4 heavenly kings"

No news traveled inside the prison so when I finally got out 2 years after Izana and the rest of you.

I wasn't greeted by his face, his presence but his grave stone.

I was so devastated I went on a killing spree, I've killed so many people I lost count and also broke my switch.

But suddenly I remembered a face, a name. Mucho.

I searched everywhere for him but he was nowhere to be found. I sat by izana's stone and vented to him until I noticed a familiar name on a grave stone close by.

Yushiro Mucho.

I wasn't angry, furious or revengeful. All I felt was sadness and hurt. I cried, cried hours and hours in front of Mucho's grave. My switch turned off and never turned on again. He even saved me during death.

I understand izanas death, he died by my words, protecting someone he loved and cared for but Mucho's death I will never forgive. I've never given up on finding his murderer, and when I do I'll kill him slowly until he feels the pain I felt.

Kokonoi, knowing the killer glances at Sanzu who looks scared.

"Any questions?" You ask looking around. They're all shocked and don't know how to feel.

"What crime die you comit?" Rindou asks.

"I...I cant say it." You said tearing up.

"She killed her own parents." Ran replied.

You're not mad at him because you did and have to accept how awful you are.

These men took that to heart, none of them were blessed with parents.

Y/n committed the worst sin ever but the men surrounding her, aren't any better. You're all horrible criminals.

"Y/n..." Mochi said but he doesn't know how to go continue, him and the rest of them were speechless.

"You guys can hate me it's fine, my life as a child goes beyond my crimes but I'm not going to explain it and try redeeming myself because that won't make my crimes disappear. I'm a bad person but I'd like to remind you all that you kill people daily that might have families waiting at home. None of us are good." You said walking out the room, shutting the door..

"Ran.. was that true?" Sanzu asks the latter. "As true as ever".

"You should tell her." Kokonoi suggested.

"Are you kidding? Did you not hear what she said?" he replied.

"Sanzu, you'll tell her you're the one who took Mucho." Rindou said but he was angry and serious.

When one of the S62 say anything about Mucho, Sanzu tenses up and feels as if he needs to obey them because he wants the trust of his mates.


You stand in front of Mikey's door.

"Go away." Mikey yells. But you open the door and see a messy room with damages everywhere.

"Wow." You said.

"I said leave me alone!" He shouts throwing a lamp at you but you push it away mid air.

"Leave the boy alone." you say.


"Let it go." Y/n says.


"Your ambition is pointless."

"STOP IT!" Mikey yells pushing you onto the wall. Your impact was hard and you start bleeding.

"Don't you want to protect your friends? Isn't that why you're leading MY group?" you ask him.

Mikey turns and looks at you with mixed emotions.

You stand up facing him directly. "Mikey I'll protect you." You said holding his face.

"I'll deal with Hanagaki, you focus on Bonten. It's both of our wish." You said hugging him.

"I miss him." he replies.

Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now