13; Understood

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"I still don't know how brother and Kakucho know." Rin said trying to stand up.

"Hey hey you're gonna fall." Takeomi said grabbing onto his arm and carrying him.

"Calm down Rindou." Ran said shutting the door.

"Izana told me back then, about Y/n. And the other day Mikey and I were talking about it and told Kakucho."

"What? Mikey knows too?!" Mochi asks holding his forehead.

"Honestly I don't know how he knows." Ran replied shrugging.

"You're lying." Kakucho says.

"Don't call him a liar." Rindou replies "He's the one who kept this from us for years!" Kakucho raises his voice.

"All you do is point fingers." Ran said. "You're out to blame everyone just so you don't feel bad." Ran said annoyed.

Kakucho stays silent.

"And Sanzu, once she finds out she'll never look at you the same again." Ran said pointing his finger at him. 

"You think I don't know that?!" Sanzu holds his head. "You're all overreacting." Kokonoi said.

"What do you know?!" Mochi, Ran, Rindou, Kakucho and Sanzu shout.

"Hit a nerve there." Takeomi whispered to Kokonoi.

"You guys act like Y/n and Ran did something wrong but Izana was psycho from the start-"

Kokonoi's sentence stops when he's met by kakuchos fist that sends him flying.

"Kaku!" Rin shouts pushing him back, with struggle.

"You don't know ANYTHING about him." Kakucho says.

"Y/N didn't corrupt him kaku." Ran said holding his shoulder.

"Stop brawling and listen." Mikey demanded stepping into the room with y/n.

All of them go silent bowing to their boss. They glance at you standing next to him, you look defeated, pain in your eyes.

"I overreacted about what happened earlier. I will assign Y/n to deal with Takemitchi, you guys go back to how it was."

"But Boss, we just learned the truth about Y/n and Izana, we don't know how to feel." Rindou said.

Mikey looks at everyone and then looks at you.

"I really don't care about your guyses feelings. She's a part of Bonten now so you should treat her as such."

"Understood." Everyone said in sync.


The next day came by and the atmosphere was weird and awkward.

"Babe do you wanna go out today?" Sanzu asks you, who's sitting on his bed.

"No I'm busy."

"You've been so cold, you know I understand you don't be like that." He said throwing himself on you.

"Get off Sanzu I'm not in the mood." You push him away.

"You never are." He responds rolling his eyes. 

"Listen life isn't just about sex to me! And if I'm being honest I don't even know you."

"What are you talking about? We literally live together."

"And I had no idea that you are a drug addict!" You look at him finally.

Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now