20; You're obsessed

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You're sitting in the kitchen with Rindou, later Y/n is supposed to be meeting with Kokonoi about a particular topic. Your wounds are all cleaned up, you kind of look like a mess since so much has happened in the past couple of days. Your thigh is wrapped up and you have bruises everywhere.

Y/n is resting her face on her palm, zoning off while Rindou is sitting in front of you.

"You're obsessed." he says resting his head on the back of his hands that are on the table. You quickly snap back to reality  "What"

Rindou starts laughing "Nothing Nothing".

"You're thinking about my brother aren't you?" he then asks raising an eyebrow. "Rin...stop." you said rolling your eyes.

Rindou gets up and walks towards you. He grabs your arm that you're using to rest your head on and pulls you closer to him. "What are you doing?"

"Since you're not thinking about Ran~ right now, let's play" .

"Play what?"

Rindou chuckles and grabs your neck pulling you towards his face, his grip is so tight you're unable to move. "H-Hey stop" you said putting your free hand in front of your face. His soft lips touch your hand and your eyes widen.

You quickly turn your hand over and slap him in the face. "Get away from me." you said pulling out of his touch. He's facing the side with a grin on his face. Y/n gets up to walk away.

"My brother likes you, so treat him well." he says looking over to your direction. "Is that what you're doing? Testing me?" you said frowning. "Was I?" he threw his hands up innocently.

"For your information, I don't like him. So leave me alone about this type of bullshit." you said rolling your eyes. "So cold~" he says making fun of you.

"Rindou, you're an amazing brother to Ran but don't intervene with my relationship with that man. You don't see what I see." you explained to him. "You were willing to give Sanzu a chance though?"

You walk back to the table and signal him to sit down with you. "I never gave him a chance he just kind of appeared?"

"Did you love him?" he asks with his hand.

"Are you mocking me?"  "I respect you." he replied.

"No, I never loved him. He's not a good man."

"And you're a good woman?"

"...No, I'm not."

Long pause.

"That's why I'll never let myself love your brother." you continued.

"Don't say that Y/n you're thinking to deep about this."

"Why am I here talking to you about this anyway? Stop playing Cupid." you said rolling your eyes and getting up.

"I want what's best for my brother and you're the best." he says elbowing you.

You smile falling into his amuse. "Stop it you're flattering me." You said flicking your hand. You then get up to exit from another door.

"Where are you going? To find Ran?"

"Stop your obsession with us, I have business with Koko." you said pointing at him. You walk out the room and Rindou smiles to himself.

"Us... hm?"



"I'M SO SORRY I'M SO SORRY!!" the man begs while Ran is removing his knee caps with tweezers. "You're soooo quiet I can't hear you" Ran said laughing hysterically.

"IM SORRY-- AHHHHHH" he shouts while Ran shoves his fingers into his eyeballs. "What hand was it that you touched her with?" he asks smiling. "I-I-I don't remember!"

"Huh?" Ran loosens his smile. "You'll loose both then."


Ran takes out his baton and smashes it against his finger shattering all the bones in the man's hand. He then pulls out a knife and shoves his down the man's throat. "You're so noisy."

The man struggles to swallow it, while getting it down, his vocal cords get cut. Ran grabs the man by his neck and takes him to a window near by holding his body above the 5 story abondended building.

Ran pulls out a bigger knife and cuts open his stomach, the mans organs fall down one by one. he proceeds to cut his hands off, his limbs fall to the ground. The screams of people down below are heard. Ran's eyes widen in muse, "You hear that? or maybe you don't... I cut your ears off." he tilts his head.

"Alright I had my fun with you." Ran drops his body and watches it hit the ground, the rest of his remaining blood splatters.

RING RING: Brother

"What's up Rin?" He picks up the phone with bloody hands. "When will you be back? We had business that you totally ditched."

"I had something to do." Ran explained as siren noises are heard in the background.

"Uh ha, more important than this deal we have going on?"

Ran sighs. "Yes Rindou. Much more important."

"Interesting." Rindou laughs. "Get your head out the gutter idiot. Stop playing cupid I know what you're doing. You better have not said anything to Y/n." Ran scolds.


"I'll kill you when I get back." the sirens in the back become louder.

"Looks like you'll be killed before you get a chance." Rindou laughs hanging up.

"This guy gets on my last nerve." Ran held his temple with annoyance.


"Hey Koko. Is everything alright?" you ask as you step into his office. "Hey beautiful, I'd love to say yes but nothing is alright."

"What? Tell me." you rush towards the seat in front of him.

"So you see...I bought a new building right.."

"Oh yeah your strip club." "It's NOT a strip club!"

"Yeah whatever get on with it."

"I have tons of women that will be dancing but we have an upcoming deal and I want those men to have an exclusive woman dancing on them."

You quickly get up and run out the door.

"Y/N HEAR ME OUT!" Koko runs after you. "I'm good Koko." you said shutting your eyes but bump into someone. You open your eyes and see bloody Ran standing there with Rindou. "What ha-

Koko grabs your wrist turning you to face him. "It's just for a night."

"Koko, I'd love to help you out but I'm not going to do that!" You said pulling your hand away.

"It's for the success of the deal."

"Deal?" Ran questioned. "What are you guys talking about?" Rindou asks curiously.

"No means No." you said finally running off. Koko sighs and throws himself on the couch.

"Koko?" Rin puts his hand on the man's shoulder. "Just for one night she has to please those men but no.. so stubborn."

"Oi Koko." Ran says with an angry tone. "Hm?" He faces the latter.

"She's off limits."

Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now