32; huh?

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Flashback (Ran's pov)

"Ran, there's a lot that goes into time leaping." Mikey explains to me. Him and I usually sit outside and talk about random things.

"Like what? The handshake thing?" I ask him while taking a hit of my cigarette.

"Have you ever wondered what makes the time leaper the leaper and the trigger the trigger?"

"It's two people who desire the same change no?"

"That's correct but what distinguishes and separates them?" Mikey leans back on the ground.

"Whoever wants its more is the leaper?" I assume.

"Wrong. The person with the purest intention is the one who goes back in time."

End of Flashback

"Your posy never showed up." Hanma says. "Even better." Ran replies.

"Are you ready? You better make this work or we'll kill you- better then that, we'll kill your Y/n." Izana says.

"I'll help you so just shut up." Ran reaches out his hand. "Alright then! I'll be back once I save Kisaki. Remember Ran, think 12 years back in time."


Hanma reaches his hand out and they both take each other's hand and shake it. "Hehe <3" Hanma smiles.

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Ran's POV

"Oi you good?" Rindou asks.

"Huh?" I ask looking around. "Where am I?"

"Eh?! Did you hit your head?" Rindou looks at me. I turn to look at him and my eyes shift to his hair "oh god".

"W-what? Is there something in my hair?" He asks pushing up his glasses. "No.. wait"

I look around and we're in a junkyard. There's tons of fighting and yelling going on. "Rin.."


"What day is it today?"

"October 31st, 2005. You're being really weird..." Rindou scratches his head.

You're kidding. I traveled back in time? It's just like Mikey said, I'm glad my heart was good for something. But that means Izana and Hanma probably killed me back in the future. What if they come back? Impossible. There is no one else who'd be the trigger.

Wait a second...

"October 31st?!" I shout getting up. "Why are you acting like this?!" Rindou quickly jumps up standing in front of me. "Listen Rin, you won't understand but just stay here okay? I have things to do.." I say walking towards the fighting.

I remember this day, Baji Keisuke dies. I don't really care though I'm not a fucking hero. I'm here for Y/n...

Well she wouldn't be here. 2005? It's the year she killed her parents. I have to go find her and stop the situation.

"KISAKI!" Draken yells out. "Hm? Kisaki?" I look and see him save Mikey.

He's the one who killed Izana. He's the mastermind. What if I can... No I can't change the past it's not right. But I'm about to do it for Y/n....?

"I cant hit Baji-san" Chifuyu says.

Oh yeah...

"Baji-kun look out! Takemitchi yells. Kazutora shows up with a knife about to stab Baji but someone pushes Kazutora away.

"No way.." takemitchi says.

"Haitani Ran?!" chifuyus eyes widen. "Huh? What'd you save me for?" Baji looks at me weirdly.

"I was bored." I fake yawn. "Oi Haitani! Who let you interfere?!" Hanma shouts at me.

He's always been ugly and annoying AND loud.

"Shut up! I can do whatever I want." I roll my eyes. I turn around seeing Kazutora twitch on the ground. I grab his collar and punch him unconscious.

Now... you cant kill him can you?

Oh it's Mikey... I look over to Mikey standing up and looking over everyone.

I'll save you boss. You gave meaning to my useless life. Now I'll save yours.

"Brother!" Rindou appears next to me. "Hm?"

"You're not supposed to intervene."

"I'm Haitani Ran, I can do whatever I want." I say stepping on the cars to get a better view.

"Look sissy!" a little girls voice is heard.

Who's that? I look around and see two girls behind the gate watching the fight.

H/c hair and E/c eyes... Y/N!

She's always been such a beauty. I don't even remember her from back then. When she cut my braids. Stupid girl.

But who's the one next to her? She seems a little different...

Is that...her sister!

"Rindou I'm leaving." I get up again. "I'll come with you."

"No. There's something I need to do alone." I smile at him. "Alright." He sits back down. "Text me the results of the fight okay?"

"Sure thing brother." He smiles back.

"Hey you!" I wave to the girls.

"S-sis let's go." Y/n pushes her sister while speeding walking. "I'm not going to hurt you guys calm down." I hold my temple.

"You're not?" Y/n turns and looks back at me. "A new friend!" her little sister runs towards me giving me a big hug.

"Aki!!" Y/n blushes and grabs her sisters waist. Y/n's red cheeks are adorable.

I pat Aki's head gently "I don't mind."

"Please sir we didn't mean to watch!" she bows to me. A smile forms on my face.

"Then what were you doing?" I ask.

"Sister said there is this cute guy sitting there! Y/n-nee sees him at the store all the time." Aki says.

Y/n runs and covers her mouth, pulling her away from me. "AKI SHUSH!!" she's embarrassed.

I walk up to Y/n and lift her chin with my finger "who's the lucky guy?" I ask and her cheeks turn tomato red.

Y/n quickly steps back. "Uh-I- no one she's just joking!"

"Sis said a tall boy with braids... just like you actually what a coincidence sis!" Aki points at me and looks at Y/n.

Y/n covers her face and screams. "AKI STOP!" She grabs her sister and runs away.

She's been into me for so long now lol.

"HEY!" I call out for them.

"Y-yes?" Y/n says looking back. "Meet me with your sister at west park in 30 minutes. If you don't come... I won't finish that."


Bonten's CEO (Y/N x Ran)Where stories live. Discover now