• part one

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𝚈𝚊𝚓𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝙹𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚜

"Goodmorning Mrs.Simms." Said Ziyah kissing over my body.

"Mmm, goodmorning." I said sitting up.

"You ready for today ?" She said getting up.

I nodded my head and stretched. I got up to start my morning.

Hennessy and a bagel. I told y'all I'm on that shit hard.

Ziyah started to put her things on.

"So what time does it start." "Ten." "Cool so pick you up at nine ?" "Eight." "Eight? C'mon Lee." "It's not my fault, it's takes two hours to get there everyone leaves at eight."

"We're black." "So." "Lee." She grabbed my face. "Stop it. I'll pick you up at nine." "Then we won't get there till Eleven." "So." "Ziyah I'm being fucking serious." "And I am too. I gotta get Ashley anyway. I'm taking her somewhere."

I glared at her. I'll kick her ass. And Ashley's but I feel like I'm breaking up a good home.

"See we need to talk about that." She groaned with her hand on the door.

"Lee." "Lee shit. I can't keep messing with you if you have a girlfriend." "But you know I want you." She said holding my chin.

I smiled. Though I know deep down inside she just want a lick. That I keep giving her.

"Okay. See you at nine." "Okay." She said and pulled me in for a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around her neck as she tied hers around my waist slipping her tongue in my mouth. I slid mines back into hers and they played with each other.

I pulled away from the kiss but she pulled me back in.

She started un-dressing herself again and untying my robe.

Oh, she's boutta soul snatch me.

"Uh you're late." Said Aaliyah when I walked in.

"I know I'm sorry." I said rubbing my head. "No excuses, where were you ?"

"Traffic." "No traffic this way Yajara. Start talking." "At home with Ziyah."

She glared at me. Then death stared me.

"Didn't I tell you to leave her punk ass alone ? " She said brushing my hair back in the back bun I had it in.

"Yes and no." She looked at me.

I started to drink from my bottle. Which is supposed to have coffee in it.

"Alright love you, Matt is outside waiting for me."

"What's in the bottle." "Huh ?" "Huh ? What's in the bottle." "Coffee." "Bullshit"

I groaned. "Yajara I'm serious. Breath test me." "I'm not doing that if it's coffee.""Then breath test me."

I blew my breath. Knowing she would be disappointed. "Lee we talked about this. When are you going to stop ?" She said snatching the bottle out my hand.

"I am stopping." "When ?" I started to play with the engagement ring that was wrapped around my neck.

I kept it because I need something to play with when I lie or get nervous. It's very calming.

She huffed. "You're going to stop right ?"

"Right." "If you don't, I'm gonna sign you up for rehab."

I mugged her. Like hell she is, I'm a grown ass woman. This my pussy I can do what I want.

"I'm serious now go, here take the breath strip's your gonna need them." She kissed my cheek and walked out.

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 & 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now