• part twelve

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AN: now stop allat damn crying and heart dropping and cursing me out . she aint dead yall 😭 i would never kill the baddest bitch off 😂.

𝚈𝚊𝚓𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝙹𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚜 - another month later

I woke up to a jolt and started throwing up. Throwing up a ton of shit.

Everyone stood there in shock just watching me throw up in the bin.

Matt, Aaliyah, My dad, and Jabril stood around me in shock.

"Go get her a water and call the nurse !" Said Aaliyah while everyone ran around frantically.

My head started pounding instantly.

"Here, drink this." Said my dad holding the bottle up to my mouth.

I drank like haven't I drank in days.

The nurse can rushing in. "Yajara can you hear me ?" I tried to nod my head but she grabbed it and started flashing at light in my eyes.

"Excuse you don't hurt her." Said Aaliyah.

"Ma'am this is my job for when coma patients wake up I have to check them like this."

She looked at me so happily. She gave me a hug and went to go get me some nasty ass hospital food.

Everyone just looked at me. I looked around the room.

They're was cards and flowers around well on the counter.

"I missed my birthday ?"

"And New Years." Said Aaliyah

"Valentine's day." Said Jabril

"You was out of it for three months." Said Matt.

I thought about something and started to look around again. Someone was missing.

"Jabrii. Where's Jabrii ? She needs to know that I'm okay."

"Hold on Princess we need to make sure, your okay." Said my dad putting me back in the bed.

"I'm fine. Now where is she ?"

"She's in the chapel." Said Jabril.

"Can you walk me there ?"

He nodded his head and held his arm out for me to grab as I still might be weak.

My dad kissed my forehead and Matt and Aaliyah gave me hugs.


When we reached the chapel I saw her. Well I think it was her. Everytime I see Jabrii her hair is done.

It was in a messy ponytail and she was in a praying position in the seats.

"God, Please don't let Yajara die. I love her so much. I would never wish this on her. God please your breaking me. Please don't let her die. Please."

I watched from the entrance of the Chapel.

When she lifted her head up, I was on my knees right beside her.

She looked at me in shock. The silence was dead loud.

"Yajara ?" She turned to face me.

"No wait a minute." She closed her eyes and opened them back up and closed them again.

"Jabrii stop it. It's me." I said laughing.

She opened her eyes and grabbed my face mushing our lips together kissing me deeply and lovingly.

When she let go of my face she gave me the longest hug ever. A very tight one like she didn't wanna let go.

"What happened they said you was dying."

"Yeah well, I'm woke now. C'mon let's go celebrate." I said standing up holding her hand.

"Wait a minute back on your knees nigga."

I huffed. "Yajara do you remember anything that happened to you ?"

I thought for a moment. "No. But we're not worried about that. C'mon let's go eat something before my dad makes me eat that shitty hospital f-"

"Yajara, I'm being dead ass right now."

Actually I do remember somewhat of what happened to me. I just don't want her to start acting crazy.

"Yes, Ziyah came over to talk to me about her engagement and wanted to say sorry to me, I got up to get her some Kool-aid which when I came back already two cups. The next thing I know she was gone and I woke up in here."

Jabrii stared at me. "Okay, yeah. Let's go celebrate."

"Jabrii ? You good ?" I asked.

"Yes I'm fine. C'mon let's go order some food." She smiled, stood up and grabbed my hand.

Oh hell.


The whole time we ate, Jabrii was quiet.

Everyone laughed but her. She just sat there blankly.

She had her face in her phone just texting.

When visiting hours was over she refused to leave said she wouldn't mind staying here with me.

When everyone left she sat up watching tv.

"Jabrii." She hummed in response for me to keep going.

" Can you come lay with me ?"

She nodded her head and came to lay in the hospital bed with me.

"Yajara. You know I would do anything for you right ? Meaning that I would never let anyone hurt you. Any way, shape or form ? "

I nodded my head.

"Meaning every criminal thing I do is for you right ? "

I nodded my head again.

She looked into space for a while.

"Well can you do this one thing for me ?"

"What is it ?"

"Can you go to rehab please ? I know you don't want to be there but it's either there or in a graveyard. I can't let you die and I wouldn't want you too die."

I shook my head listening to her.

" Of course I would do anything for you." I said.

"Good." She said smiling and kissing me.

She got up and started walking out.

"J- Jabrii where are you going ?"

"Gotta do something. Imma be back though baby get some rest." She said walking out.

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 & 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now