• part five

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𝙹𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚒 𝙺𝚊𝚒𝚊 𝚃𝚊𝚝𝚎 - two weeks later

I left her alone like she told me too. Haven't spoken too her since.

I been more focused on Unique. Well trying to be.

She's been a big help with my business and stuff but she be real busy herself.

We go into this big ass argument the other day. I started coming home late again.

Even though I specifically told her that she don't have to stay in my house. She has her own.

She didn't like that so she left out. Stopped talking to me for a couple of days.

I could care less right now though tryna make some money.

As I'm working in the back I could hear someone in the front.

"Ouu baby I want this." Said the girl.

"Ight baby get whatever you want." My head shot up.

I got up and went to look around. The voice sounded familiar but I keep on my toes.

"Aye we closed for today." They turned around and oh behold it was that dyke from Yajara's event.

But the girl wasn't Yajara.......

"Oh Hi, You must be Jabrii, I'm Ashley and this is my girl friend Ziyah.We saw you're store passing by and read the reviews online. You can really draw and make hoodies. "

Oh they're bout to be in for a rude awakening. Ziyah looked at me and mugged me hella hard.

I don't know why ion want her bitch. Ashley is very gorgeous but no. Got my own girlfriend.

I put on my professional smile. "Sure go head look around and pick out whichever hoodies you like."

"Ouuu baby she said whatever I like." She said sliding her hand down Ziyah's chest.

I went to the back and grabbed my phone.

incoming call from: unknown number

"Hello ?"
"Jabrii how'd your ass get my number ?"
"We don't have time for that right now."
"The fuck you mean ? I can have your ass arrested for this shit your pulling."
"Can we talk about that later ? Your man up here with her girlfriend."
"You're lying."
"Mmcht, Im being deadass dummy."
"Jabrii I don't care, okay ? I have others things to worry about. Worry about your own Fucking relationship and stay out my damn business."
"Will you stop being fucking stubborn for two fucking minutes and come confront this bitch ?"
"Is your voice cracking ? You want me kill her ?"
"No, your not killing anybody."
"Because if she hurts you then I'll fucking kill this bitch right now in this store."
"Wait what store ?"
"Now you wanna fucking listen ?"
"Jabrii Kaia."
"Yajara Jorlee."
"What store ?"
"My clothing store."
"I'm not coming."
"Yajara Jorlee Simms are you fucking kidding me right now ? You really gon let this Lor ass girl dictate-"
"No I'm not, but please just leave it alone Jabrii. We're not together, we never will be again. What we had is finished, through, done. We have nothing together, it was just a thing. Now leave that shit alone."

Then she hung up on me.

This girl really hung up on me. She lost her damn mind.

I watched as they grabbed a couple of hoodies. I hoped they look at the prices cause they got 6 hoodies each.

When they got to the cash register Ziyah was still looking at me.

Damn if she wanna fuck cause I'm a bad bitch she can say that.

I watched her the whole time with the gun sitting in my lap.

I'll really kill her. But I'm not because Yajara wanna save her man her man her man so damn bad.

"Here you go." I said after putting everything in their bag along with a business card,

"Thank you so much. Baby c'mon we got reservations at five."

I look at my Apple Watch. Damn it was boutta be five already and I haven't finished anything I was supposed to be finishing. But I was tired as fuck.

I thought about it quick and went through my contacts.

"Hey Jayla........tryna help me right quick ?"

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 & 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now