• part sixteen

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𝚈𝚊𝚓𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝙹𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚜

"Ms.Simms, someone's here to see you." Said Aaliyah on the intercom.

"Send them in." I said typing behind my computer.

From the side of my eye I could see her. My mother.

"No, I don't want you here. Get out."

"Is that a way to treat your mother ?"

I laughed. If she thinks she's a mother & hasn't been in my life for 20 years she's surely lost her mind.

"Sabrina how old are you ?" "Why."

"I'm asking." "38."

Wow. Wow.

"You're not my mother, you're just someone who provided a child for someone."

"Like a surrogate ?"

I mean if that's what she would like to call herself. I was tryna get her a better name.

"Who sent you here ?"

"Your girlfriend."

What ? How ? Why ?

Not even why. WHY IN THE FUCK !

My cheeks began to get hot.

Don't black out, Do NOT black out, pleaseeeeeeeee DONT BLACK OUT !

I took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Sabrina, may I ask you a very simple question."

"Go on."

"When a child is born, what are they're basic needs ?"

"To be clothe, fed, bathed, changed and to be loved."

I nodded my head. For her to not take care of her child she sure knows something.

"Right so when you have a daughter and-"

"Pause." She said putting her hand in my face.

She lucky I can't find my pocket knife. Would've cut that motherfucker right off.

"I know what your doing and it isn't working. Now I didn't come here for forgiveness I can here for forgetness."

The fuck is ol sis talking bout. Been forgot her.

"Yeah yeah, I'm listening. Listen can we talk about this another time, I have business to attend to thank you." I said smiling at her.

She looked at me ready to protest but Matt came right behind her.

"I'll take it from here Ms.Simms, and Ms.Tate is here to see you."

Something inside me began to grow, like straight rage.

I sat there quietly thinking. My body began to get very hot, I could feel as if I were going to pass out.

"Heyyyy baby. You miss me ? I know you do." She said walking in.

She came over and started kissing all over my cheek and moving to my lips grabbing me by the neck .

She grabbed tighter by the neck as the kiss became more passionate. I could taste the liquor on her breath.

She started to bite on my bottom lip causing me too jerk. She laughed a little and sat on top of my desk unbuttoning my blouse.

"Jabrii." I said through breaths.

She continued nibbling my ear.

"Jabrii." I said again.

She continued still sucking on my neck.

"Jabrii." I said sternly enough for her to hear.

She sucked her teeth and looked at me.

"Yes ?"

"How did you find her ?"

"How did I find who ?"

"You know who."

"Really do we have to be on that now ? While your titties are out ?"

"Yes we're on this. NOW."

"I don't think so, I need real estate advice she's the best in Atlanta."

"I'm not from Atalanta."

"I jhi ain't ask where you was from, I ain't from here either."

I looked at her as she stared at me.

"Get out." I said .

"No. Why ? So Aaliyah can eat your pussy."

"She not even gay & I ate hers not the other way around."

"Yajara that's disgusting."

"And your not ?"

"For your information, I've never had sex with a bestfriend, it was the bestfriends mom."

"And that's not disgusting Jabrii ?" I quizzed.


Right, anything that has something to do with her and sex ain't disgusting.

"So you would fuck my mom ?" I quizzed.

"No, I'd rather......" she said walking up to me after locking the door.

"Where's your vibrator ?" She quizzed.

"In my drawer."

She grabbed it, turned it on and pressed it towards my clit.

she kept it firm and she stuck two fingers in her mouth and into mines and into my entrance.

I let out a sharp gasp and she looked me in my eye.

"Here hold this and keep it right there don't move it." She said putting the vibrator in my hand.

I did as told as she started sucking on my nipples.

I let out moans only me & her could hear. I could feel my body trembling as my grip got tighter on her fingers.

"Jabrii I think imma-"

Before I could finish juices flew from inside me, a chilling relief blew over me and my legs dropped.

This didn't faze Jabrii as it got all over her.

"Oh my, I'm sorry, I've never done that before." I said.

She laughed. "It's okay. Get cleaned up so we can finish at home."

"Okay." I smiled.

She kissed me on the lips repeatedly.

"I love you so much, & if you ever, ever pull some silly shit like talk to wanna be ass men again and fake try ta leave me. i'll kill you." She said smiling at me.

"And if you ever talk to one of these lil ass girls that went to school with you ever ever ever again, it will be more than your braids missin." I said.

"I love you Yajara Jorlee."

"I love you too Jabrii Kaia."

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 & 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now