• part thirteen

456 13 2

Jabrii Kaia Tate

How the fuck could somebody do that to a fine ass motherfucker like my wife ?

That nigga Ziyah totally lost it. I think I'm going to jail or a mental facility I don't know yet.

When I get in court I think imma plead insanity. Bitches been playing on my pussy too much.

I drove around looking for Unique's house, she ain't move yet.

I drove around her neighborhood looking for her house. I don't actually remember what Uniques house look like ain't been in that motherfucker since I don't know when.

As I pulled up I saw a car outside.

I cut my lights off and parked behind it with the gun in my hand.

I saw blood on it when I got out. "The fuck ?" I said.

I started to walk around the car just too look at it.

I could see someone through the window of the car. She looked mad ass familiar and that's when it hit me.

"ZIYAH !" I yelled walking up the driveway.

She stood up with the gun in her hand.

"Damn shawty you ain't die yet ?" She said.

I cackled. "I ain't never dying until im old and gray but if you gon shoot me. You better pull that trigger now."

She pointed the gun towards me. It stood at the front of my head.

Was I scared ? No. Why ? Cause her punk ass ain't gon shoot me.

If I disappear, she disappears but I think Yajara already told her that.

"Shoot lor girl." I said. She huffed.

"Put your gun down." She said back.

Why is this nigga making it so difficult, just fucking kill me already my god.

"Fine." I said shoot her in the leg.

She screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"Fucking idiot. You ain't never supposed to challenge a motherfucka to put their gun down. The hell is wrong with you ?" I questioned.

She held onto her leg to get the blood to stop.

I could see the tears in her eyes. "You such a fucking crybaby. Now answer this or imma blow your muffin cap back."

She looked at me, I could see the fear in her eyes she looked at me.

"Please Jabrii don't kill me." She said frantically.

"If you answer this question then I won't." I said with the gun still pointed to her.

"What happened to Yajara ?"

She looked at me. "Listen what she told you, the bitch is crazy she don't know shit she's talking about."

Bitch ? I know she ain't.

I shot again but not at her. Her punkass might fuck around and shit on herself.

"Listen Ziyah. Ziyah Pullins right ?"

She looked at me confused. "Ask questions later when you met your creator. There's three things I love in this world. Money, Yajara and her titties. And your fucking with two of them right now so what the fuck did you do too her ?"


Well damn, I got bitches out here crying for their granny.

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