Chapter 30

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She was dragged into his basement and thrown hard into the cement floor.

"Let me go. I'll get you the money, you have my word."

"I don't think that's going to work." He slapped her.

"I'm begging you. I have a fiancé and kids at home. You can't just let my kids grow up without their mother. You can't do that."

He pointed the gun to her forehead.

"Please don't shoot."

"Keep your mouth shut and I won't."

She had tears in her eyes.

"If you scream even once or try to escape, I'll kill you. Got it?"

"Yes." She said, fear in her voice.


"I didn't catch your name."

"People call me Pulpo."

"Diego's kidnapper?"

"You got that right."

"We should have killed you months ago." She said, anger in her voice and face.

"I feel the same about you and Antonio."

"You make me sick."

"If you scream or make any noise, no one is gonna hear you. You see these walls here? They're sound proof."

He slammed the door shut as he went upstairs. Kim reached into her pocket. She could feel her cell phone and slide it out. She had five missed calls from Adam, a couple texts from Leslie and a voicemail from Laura. She swiped the screen and typed in her passcode so she could answer Leslie.

"He's back." She sent in reply, getting one herself just seconds later.

"What do you mean by 'he' ?"

"Pulpo. The guy who kidnapped Diego last year. Remember him?"

"Where are you? We need to talk."

"I don't even know where I am. He's got me."

"He's got you as in holding you hostage or abducted you?"

"He's got me and I don't know how long I have. He said if Voight doesn't pay him his debt in forty eight hours, he'll kill me. I don't wanna die."

"Do you think I'm gonna let him kill you? We'll get you out of there."

"Tell everyone you can. I'm so scared..."

"Do you know anything about the location?"

"When he took me out of the van, I noticed he took me into this yellow house next to a grey apartment building."

"Hold on a you have your Find My iPhone app turned on?"


"Please tell me you have that app turned on on your iPad."

"Yeah I do."

"Permission to break into your house?"

Kim laughed. "Permission granted."

Leslie turned on her Bluetooth and put the earpiece in so no would know who she was talking to. "Alright, I'm at your house. Where's the iPad?"

"The living room. It's in the lower right drawer of the entertainment stand."

"Is there a lock code on it?"


Leslie turned on the iPad and opened the app. She tapped "Kim's iPhone" and it picked up her location.

"You're up in Canaryville. We'll be there as soon as we can."

Leslie peeled out of the driveway, nearly running into the door as she walked into the district.

"Buzz me up." She said grabbing hold of the handle on the gated door.

"What's the magic word?"

"This is serious business. Burgess was abducted. I don't have time for your deadpan humor."

Trudy gave her a less than pleased look, but buzzed her in. They were all in a panic as they tried tracking any traces of the culprit. On the board was all details about the suspects in this case. There was also a picture of Kim with the word "Missing" above it. Adam was sitting at his desk, intently staring at his computer. His eyes were red and puffy, Leslie knew that he had been crying.

"Hey." She rubbed his back.

He looked up. "Oh hey."

"We got her. Well, I got her."

"How do you know?"

She moved his computer keyboard out of the way and set the iPad down.

"Her iPhone app where you can track the phone is activated. Pulpo didn't check her pockets before locking her in the basement. This is where she is."

"Are you kidding me?!" Antonio yelled.

"Who's this Pulpo guy?" Sean asked.

"Months ago before you joined this district, he kidnapped my son and held him hostage. We're lucky we got to him in time."

"That's awful."

"His little girlfriend there paid his bail and he got out, now he's back and has Burgess."

Adam stood up in a fuming rage and started walking towards Sean.

"None of this would have happened if you hadn't slept with her!" Adam shoved him back. "Because of that, he found out where we lived! You piece of shit!"

"I didn't tell this guy anything! How would he find out where you guys lived because I slept with her?!"

"He's your next door neighbor you idiot! He tapped into your phone! And got our address when you were at work last night. He saw her at your place."

"She came to my place all on her own. I didn't even have her number."

"That's no excuse for what you did!"

"I thought your forgave me for that?"

"Until you tipped off Pulpo."

"I didn't tip off this guy! I don't even know him!"

"You better hope that Burgess is alive when we find her."

"You two need to calm your asses down or you're both on desk duty." Hank told them as he was coming out of his office.

"I know where she is." Leslie said, holding the iPad up.

"Everybody suit up. You too, Shay."

"I'm not a police officer. I'm a paramedic. I don't know how to use a gun or any of that."

He pulled her into the supply room, and handed her a bulletproof vest. "I won't tell if you won't."

She just sat there looking at him. He handed her a badge and told her to hook it to her belt.

"This is illegal." She told him.

"Do you think I care right now?"

She took the vest and put it on. She hooked the badge to her belt and went to head out, but Hank grabbed her arm.

"Don't forget this." He said, holding out a pistol to her.

"You're crazy."

"Take it. That's an order."

She took a deep breath and took the gun from him, placing it in the holder on her belt.

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