Goodbye (Lyon x Reader x Gray)

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((A/N: Requested by @Emma_Heartstone! I hope you enjoy~!))

Childhood was rough. You were a single child with spiteful parents who abused you behind closed doors. To the public, your parents loved you and the wounds your parents gave you were explained by the lie of you being clumsy. It was your personal hell. A hell you had to break free of.

That's how you came up with the idea of running away from home. Go to a far away place and never return to the hell hole you were raised in. Maybe you could even learn self defense! You had enough of the abuse and wanted to lead your own life.

That's how your new life began with Ur, Lyon, and soon Gray.

Ur took you in upon seeing you trying to stick up for yourself against some thugs who were stealing the food you finally managed to pay for after doing small jobs a young girl could do. You were beaten up, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that Ur had taken you in under her wing. A new place to call home and spend time with someone around your age.

Lyon was welcoming and always helped you while injured. Once you healed, the determination you had happened to hit Ur and you were allowed to learn Ice Manipulation. It was hard, but Lyon was there to give you the support you needed to stay strong. Training was harsh, and even gave you the bad habit of not wearing a shirt, but you were enjoying life. Soon enough, Gray had joined your new family and made things more interesting as both he and Lyon would argue about who would help you with magic or small chores Ur would give you.

Things didn't last long though.

When word came around of Deliora coming near, Lyon had taken off to kill the beast in order to surpass Ur. Fear struck within you as you were well aware that you could lose Lyon from this and went after him ignoring Ur and Gray's calls. You believed that you could prevent Lyon from throwing his life away from something so stupid as thinking of killing Deliora in order to surpass Ur.

Lyon wouldn't listen to you.

He was too occupied with surpassing Ur now. The boy who had helped you and listened to your story would no longer hear you out over something so stupid. Lyon would die from this and you were as helpless as ever! That's when Gray came in and did his best to stop him. Everything went so fast after he had arrived. Lyon was frozen and Ur sacrificed herself in order for the three of you to live on. The mother figure you had now called your own mother was gone. Gray was crying and soon Lyon had broken free. He was angry and took off, leaving you and Gray there in the snow.


"(First Name)? Hello~!"

You snapped out of your thoughts as you saw (Best Friend) waving his/her hand in front of your face. How long had you been lost in your thoughts? Recalling the memories that made you into the person you were today, the girl who stopped using magic.

"Sorry (Best Friend). What were you saying?"

He/She sighed heavily before waving the newspaper in your face. The article on the front page sparked the memory as to why you were so lost in your thoughts.

As of last week, both guilds Fairy Tail and Lamia Scale, had saved your town along with returning those who were kidnapped by some bandits. Among the two guilds happened to be Lyon and Gray, the two you never thought you would see again.

They didn't recognize you, but you remembered them. Neither of them had changed like you had. In fact, you were a different person. You weren't the sweet, innocent girl who wanted to stand up for herself. Today, you were the girl who stopped using magic and reverted to a normal, boring lifestyle. Those on the council of the town had approached you to help, but because of what happened in the past that made you stop using magic, forced them to call upon some guilds to aid them in their crisis.

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