The Steel Ninja (Sting Eucliffe)

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How do you always get stuck in weird jobs like this one? Maybe you needed a new job.

You were wearing a heavy, full body costume that covered your face. Just who were you pretending to be?

Today, your co-worker couldn't work today due to family matters putting you in the situation you were in now.

"Mama, look! It's the Steel Ninja ((A/N: Lame name, but I didn't want to steal the Steel Samurai lol))!"

Just as you were told three hours ago, upon hearing the character's name, you struck a pose that seemed like you were ready to fight.

The kid clapped before he walked away with his mother.

As he left your sight, you let out a sigh.

It was rather hot and wearing the abnormally large costume wasn't helping!

"Sting-kun! It's the Steel Ninja!"

You struck the pose and froze in that stance as you saw your long time crush.

Sting Eucliffe was better known as the White Dragon Slayer and the newly appointed guild master of Sabertooth.

The two of you had crossed paths before back when you moved into the area, but never spoke words to hold up a conversation. It was more of a situation where he just picked up some folders you dropped, returned them, and went on his way.

At least then, he saw your face.

"Steel Ninja, huh? Lector, I'm way stronger than this guy!"

Lector, his red haired Exceed, looked at the two.

"I dunno Sting-kun. The Steel Ninja is pretty strong in his comics! Some say he can even take down Dragon Slayers!"

Sting looked at you intensely making you uncomfortable.

What made it worse was that you were blushing because his abs were showing for the world to see as if to distract her from work.

"I can take this guy on!"


You started to panic inside as you remained your pose unsure of what else to do.

The Sabertooth mage smirked.

"Bring it on Steel Ninja! Show me what you're made of!"

This was nowhere in the job description! In fact, you were promoted from this last year and last time you checked, fighting with mages wasn't apart of the job.

Sting threw a punch and you instantly dove to the floor in panic.

"Oh! Look, Sting is fighting the Steel Ninja!"

People started to gather around to see the fight.

Your co-worker was going to pay for your medical bills of you got seriously injured and your boss was so paying you double for this incident.

"Dodging, huh? I can use magic too, you coward!"

Could your day get any worse than this?!


The sun was setting and you were hiding in an alleyway, still in your costume.

Your shift ended an hour ago and Sting still hadn't given up on fighting you.

At least the heat was cooling down outside, but on the inside, you were dying. All you could feel was the heat.

"Found you!"


Sting jumped down from the roof, but you took off running as fast as you could!

Hopefully back to work for your boss to see this mess because you were working overtime at this point.

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