Special Conversations (Midnight)

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((A/N: There are spoilers in here if you haven't caught up on the manga))

There was silence like always. Though, you never minded it. In fact, you enjoyed it.

Brain walked in seeing you.

"I take it he hasn't spoken a word yet?"

"Not yet."

What the fool didn't know was how you had a special way to communicate with the sleeping mage.

Racer walked in with a frown.

"She has no purpose with us. I do not understand as to why she is still here."

Angel giggled and rested her arm on your head.

"She's my pet, silly."

You let out a sigh.

This was a typical day with this group.

Racer insults you or questions as to why you're even here and Angel defends you...in a sense.

You had nowhere to go and Angel took you in, saying that you reminded her of someone from when she was younger.

Brain sighed.

"Enough of your bickering. Jellal is our target and we shall find him soon."

He left with the others as you were left alone with Midnight once more.

You smiled.

He was always sleeping. The two of you had only had eye contact once back when you first joined the group.

Silence surrounded you once more.

Quietly, you sat next to the sleeping mage.

Warmth radiated off of his body as you curled into a ball.

That special way of communicating was unique.

You never told the others about it either since they would most likely use it against their enemies.

In your family, women were known to communicate to those in comas in their dreams and help them wake up.

You had the ability, but used it more to just talk with your favorite, sleeping mage.


The light breeze played with your hair as you sat in the field. If you weren't with the others, maybe you could live like this.

But you didn't have a place to call home.

"Is it already nightfall?"

You opened your eyes to see Midnight looking down at you with a small smirk.

"No. Your so called father is getting impatient about your thoughts on kidnapping that Wendy girl."

The boy scoffed and sat down next to you.

"I could care less. As long as we reach Nirvana, I'm fine with it."

That didn't please you. It bothered you.

"Even if I was asked to leave?"

He looked at you noticing the sad look in your eyes.

Midnight took a hold on your hand.

"Then I would disagree with it. You're the only one who understands me. The one who doesn't give me a headache when I'm asked a question."

A small smile formed on your lips.



You blinked.


It was rather random of him to say someone's name. Was it someone he trusted long ago?

"Call me Macbeth. It's my original name and I'd prefer if you called me that, (First Name)."

It was a big step in your relationship with him. He trusted you enough to learn his true name! You never got that far with Angel and you two are always with each other when Brain doesn't put you on duty to watch over Midnight.

"Macbeth...I'll only say it around you."

He smiled.

You rested your head on his shoulder enjoying what fake reality you lived in with him.

Soon enough, you would have to wake up and return to the real world.

A world where he only awakens to fight. The world that took away your family.

"I want to reach Nirvana and have you right there by my side, (First Name)."

Your heart skipped a beat as you looked him in the eyes.

Not only was he smiling, but his eyes were smiling as well.

"Macbeth...I'd like that very much!"

The two of you smiled at each other before relaxing in the dream.


Angel could only smirk as she watched (First Name) sleep next to Midnight.

"She sure is a special one."

Placing a blanket around the two, Angel thought of the one person she wished to be reunited with.

"One day, we'll be together again. Until then, wait for me. My little Yukino."

She walked away with a small smile on her face as Cobra walked by.

"The hell are you smiling about?"

"Nothing you should pry into. Otherwise, I'll have to shred you into tiny pieces~!"

"Heh, I'd like to see you try."


You woke up finding the blanket around your shoulders.

Who would do this?

Quietly, you wrapped it around Midnight before walking out to stretch your legs.

Brain would be pleased with Midnight's opinion and the plan would move forward.

A plan you weren't too fond of.

You didn't want to kidnap the girl Wendy to restore Jellal's memory. It didn't feel right.

Sadly, you were just someone Angel brought in under her wing. You had no say in the matter.

Despite how your voice meant nothing to the group, your special conversations between you and Midnight were your most treasured memories.

You spotted Brain talking with Racer and decided to wait a bit for them to finish their conversation.

Racer noticed you and left not saying a single word to you.

"Ah, (First Name). Has Midnight stated his opinion?"

"He did. Midnight doesn't care. As long as it gets him to Nirvana, he's fine with it."

The man smirked.

"A smart man he's become over the years!"

You nodded and bowed before leaving.

There was nothing left for you to do, so you were pretty much free for the rest of the day.

Although, you didn't want to waste time in this world by being teased by Angel and Cobra or having Racer insult you.

No, you had another world where your favorite person waited for your company.

You smiled to yourself and headed back to Midnight to fall asleep.

The two of you could enjoy each other's company and have endless conversations until it was time for you to start your duties the following day.




A/N: Man my fingers hurt. So getting used to my new phone still after getting it a few days ago. It was a great upgrade though! Anyways, I wasn't sure of the idea for this one since I came up with it on the spot, but it turned out nice in a way. *sigh* it's like one in the morning whenever I write these things because that's when I feel creative. During the day, it's all about gaming and getting in Skype calls XD


Also, I just noticed literally not too long ago, but 3K views?! ;A; Thank you everyone! I’m glad that you all enjoy reading this. Ah, and before I forget, the reason why this is late is because I normally update via the app on my iPad, but my iPad won’t connect to the internet. So...updating on the computer is a bit strange for me. ^^

So, with that, I leave you until next time with Cobra! See you until then!

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