Determination (Sting x Reader x Rogue)

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((A/N: Dedicated to @espada_4! Hope you enjoy, and yes, this is Undertale inspired :D))

For a while, you just sat there. Lifeless eyes that didn't wander around. You didn't feel like moving either. Was there a point in trying anymore? The endless amount of times you had fallen no longer could be counted with the appendages that were attached to your body. For a while, you thought about the good times that came prior to this. Maybe that would give you at least a smile before fading into the dark.

A building filled with quirky people who became family through bonds over blood. The sounds of their laughter could be heard in the distance, but there were a couple that stuck out. One was overly loud, filled with energy that didn't seem possible for a human. The other voice was more reserved and gentle until he started to panic. They had light shining behind them giving her warmth and security.

"So this is what a mage from Sabertooth is like? How pathetic. She didn't put much of a fight. You talked them up too much."

How long had it been since you joined Sabertooth? You weren't the strongest in the guild, but you strived to be the best to protect your friends. That was your goal.

But is it still your goal now?

You could only hear your enemy getting closer as he laughed at your guild because you were weak. Maybe you should just fade away because you ruined the reputation Sabertooth gained over the years. Fade away into the darkness and let your friends protect everyone else.

But wouldn't that mean they couldn't protect you? Or did they even see you as a friend?


Two voices called out in the distance followed by more noise that sounded familiar.

"Snap out it! Get up! You can still take this guy down!"

Which one had said that? Your heartbeat was slow as your eyes slowly closed. Just a little rest, you thought. Closing your eyes and clearing your head was what was best. These dark thoughts were pulling you into a darkness that was difficult to pull out of.

"Don't you dare die on me, _____!"

No, you didn't plan on dying. Your head began to clear up as the faces revealed to be Sting and Rogue, the two closest friends you had in Sabertooth. Both were thick as thieves and they had welcomed you into their guild with open arms. Everyone made you feel comfortable. The reason you officially joined Sabertooth was to return that favor by protecting your friends, along with those you had met on your journey. No one was going to take away their future. You weren't going to allow that.

"She's still breathing. Maybe she passed out."

No, you were clearing your mind. The goal was still the same and that's what drove your actions. All your determination derived from the family you gained the moment you decided to become a mage.

Your eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light in the room. A blond male, with tears, started to smile as he sat next to you.

"You're awake."

"No need to cry, Sting. I just...needed a little reminder as to why I fight. Thank you and Rogue."

Rogue was defending the enemy, but he still heard you as he gave a soft smile towards your direction.

Sting helped you get back on your feet as Rogue fell back to where the two of you were.

"You got this, right?"

"Yeah. You guys go on and wait outside for me. I can handle this guy."

Your friends gave you a pat on the back before running out, putting full trust in you. Knowing that they gave you such trust only built up the determination within you. How lucky were you to have such wonderful friends?


Walking home together, you stretched.

"Careful. You still have injuries that still need to be looked at."

You blinked, but laughed at Rogue. Not because you thought he was foolish, but more of that you were thankful he was so sightful of your own injuries rather than yourself.

"When we get back, let's go to the beach! We can relax and totally play some games!"

Sting, always looking on the brighter side of things, warmed your heart. He always made you look forward to the future and what would come your way.

Having both Rogue and Sting with you brightened up your small world. With a kind smile, you held their hands only to receive stunned looks from them.

"Thanks for always being there for me. You two always make life so much interesting."

You felt like crying. Not wanting to hold it in, the tears just fell like a river.

"I'll fight for the two of you and everyone in the guild. I don't know what I'd do if I lost any of you."

Being pulled into massive hug by both Dragon Slayers, you could only feel the warmth grow. To have such a caring family, you couldn't ask for more. It made your heart swell from all the love they gave you. Even if sometimes you couldn't return it, you were grateful for each act of kindness they gave. Nothing could ever change your mind about either of them. Both were the light of your world. One without the other didn't seem right.

"We'll always be here for each other. It's a promise."

Hearing those words from the two of them only made the tears fall even more. Just how lucky of a person are you to have such caring friends? To have two Dragon Slayers who are willing to always be at your side when you need them to be?

"Let's head home, then. Everyone must be waiting for us to get back."

Your smile shined brightly as both Rogue and Sting returned it with a smile of their own. Hand in hand, the three of you headed back to Sabertooth with a bright future ahead. Even if dark times would come at your way, you knew there would always be light at the end of the tunnel with dear friends like Sting and Rogue by your side every step of the way.


Well, I feel all fuzzy on the inside now that I've written that! Sorry for not updating. I decided to take on several projects, one of them attempting animation omg, and I haven't had the ideas flowing for these oneshot things. I get ideas for my self-fiction I have on the side that I will post in the future one I learn how to Photoshop better cuz my skills are utter poop status.

Also, I stopped going on my second Instagram account, so I won't be leaving that down anymore. I will not post my personal account since I rarely go on there too lol No more Ask either since I don't get anything ^-^



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