Umbrella (Laxus Dreyar)

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((A/N: Requested by @Watergirl12! Hope this was up to your standards~!))

You held your bag in your hands as you found shelter from the rain.

Today marked the day you were returning home after seven years of studying in the capital.

It had been such a long time since you've been home, so you were excited when you boarded the train.

Unfortunately, this was only a few weeks of being at home before you returned to study.

Hence, you forgot to check the weather and bring your umbrella.

It rarely rained in the capital, so you never had your umbrella on your person to begin with.

People were walking with their umbrellas in hand as you stood under a closed building that had some protection from the rain.

"I can just hear him calling me stupid for not bringing an umbrella."

Your brother always did call you that when you forgot something important. He even teased about how you got into your school based on pity!

"Stupid Max..."

Despite the bickering you two have, the two of you were close.

"Wasn't he supposed to pick me up too?! Jeez Max! Way to leave your sister in the rain."

Silence surrounded you minus the pouring rain that hit the ground.

"Can't believe that idiot asked me to pick up his sister."

That voice. A voice you hadn't heard in such a long time.

Your head jerked up and looked around to see a large, blond male walk right passed you holding an umbrella over his head.

Had he gotten more buff over the years?

A giggle escaped your lips as you realized that the umbrella was Juvia's umbrella.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around looking angry, but soon changed into shock as you smiled his way.

"Did you not have your own umbrella of your own that you had to borrow Juvia's?"

Laxus clicked his tongue.

"I normally don't use umbrellas. Besides, you don't even have one!"

"It rarely rains in the capital, so I didn't think I needed to bring one here."

He sighed and stood beside you, closing the umbrella.

"Why are you closing it? I thought we were heading back to the guild to see everyone!"

"I don't want to walk around with this stupid umbrella anymore. We can go later."

You sighed.

"Alright grumpy pants. Guess this means we can catch up right now."

Laxus grunted as he looked up at the sky.

"Welcome home."

He blinked and looked at you oddly.

"Excuse me? You're the one who just came home after seven years!"

"But you were gone before I left."

Laxus flinched.

"So, welcome home."

The soft smile you wore made him blush.

"T-Thanks...welcome home yourself."

You giggled and looked up at the sky.

"I knew you'd come back...and I'm glad you did."

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