Your Real Name (Cobra)

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"What do you mean you ran out of money?!"

You sighed.

This was a typical visit with your long time friend Cobra. He always got angry at you when your wallet went dry.

"Let me explain! Jeez, you're always getting your panties in a knot."

"I don't wear panties, damn it!"

A laugh escaped your lips.

"Figure of speech, dumb ass."

He shifted in his chair.

"I had to get renovations done on the house and that took away the remaining jewels I had."

Cobra stared through the glass intently.

"My god Cobra! I'm telling you the truth! Stop going through my thoughts, you ass."

He sighed.

"You lied the last few times. First it was helping old people when you were just buying video games. After that it was for charity when in reality, you spent it all on stupid figures."

"They're collectables, Cobra. You wouldn't understand because you're stuck in this place."

There was silence again.

You did your best not to think, so he wouldn't hear it, but that didn't last long.

Your thoughts turned to why he was such as ass these days.

What happened to the Cobra you met back at the Tower of Heaven? The one who always stood up for you before he was taken away?

He looked at you and stared at his hands.

"Sorry. They don't treat us nicely in here like you do."

You looked at him through the glass.

"They only gave me a chair during visiting hours because they got annoyed over your complaint that I couldn't have proper seating."

"Because sitting on the floor is wrong! We had enough of that when we were kids. Cobra, why did you do this to yourself? To her?"

Cobra looked away.

You never got an answer out of him why he nearly killed everyone with Nirvana.

A guard came over.

"Visiting hours are done for the day. You can come back tomorrow."

A sigh escaped your lips before you stood up on your platform.

"Cobra, I'll be back tomorrow, but I won't stop asking until you tell me a straight answer on why you did what you did."

With that, you were guided out of the building and far out of Cobra's hearing range.

It hurt you to see him in there and to hear that none of the guards treated them nicely ticked you off.

"Guess I better get back before she scolds me again."


You walk through the front door only to be greeted by an angry looking Kinana.

"Where did you go?! No on at Fairy Tail seemed to see you leave."

"Sorry Kinana! I went to visit my friend again. Been kind of a daily thing for me, so sorry. I'll try to get home on time for dinner next time."

Kinana sighed.

"This friend of yours must be really special to you."

A small smile was placed on your lips.

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