Shooby Doo Bop (idol!Gajeel Redfox x idol!Reader)

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((A/N:  Requested by @JustALonelyOldSoul!))

"Don't go! Please, stay with me forever."

Your hand held a small grip on his sleeve as the rain pelted down on the two of you. Nothing else mattered, but for this moment.

"I can't. As much as I want to be with you, I can't. If I be selfish and stay with you, there won't be a world where I can live in with you in peace. Going on this mission means I can secure a happy life for you."

He turned around and pulled you into his arms tightly. His tight grip seemed to have more meaning than what needed to be shown. Was this his way of expressing his own feelings?

"When the world is safe for you, I'll return and be with you forever."

You wrapped your arms around him tightly not wanting to let go. This could be the last hug you could receive from him for who knows how long! The light around you began to fade causing you to tighten your grip.

"And CUT!"

The lights turned back on and the two of you pulled apart as two sets of teams rushed over to pull both of you to your own stations.

A sigh escaped your lips as make up was being applied to your face.

"You and Gajeel have such great chemistry, (First Name)! Most actors usual have a few takes before moving onto the next scene. It's like you two were made for the role."

Ironically, the two of you tried out of the role prior to meeting each other few months back. Those first moments were like magic. You had drawn the line between you and your ex at the time and vowed to never date again. That plan obviously didn't stick when you met Gajeel.

"(Last Name), you can take a break until next week. We need to focus on Gajeel's scenes before you're needed again."

The director walked away after that as you let out another sigh.

Dating Gajeel was difficult when it came to schedules.

Gajeel was a famous solo artist (SHOOBY DOO BOP! щ(ಠ益ಠщ)) and you were a well known new actress and former member of a popular girl group. Acting was your specialty, but when it came to loving the man you were dating, it was difficult. He made you feel confused and the feelings you were so perfect on expressing in dramas went out the door the minute you two were truly alone.

To him, seeing you flustered was good enough proof that you were in love with him.

Although, now it was hard to have that one on one time with him. He was always recording new songs and he's gotten into acting. Your schedule was filled with practicing your lines, do some photo shoots, and perform for the recordings for the dramas you starred in.

The two of you were just too busy.

Fortunately, that didn't stop either of you from finding a way of showing your love to each other.

When he was busy, you would always cook his favorite meal when he would arrive home late or even stay up late just to welcome him home, but that usually ended with him bringing you back to bed since you would fall asleep before he walked through the door.

While you were busy, Gajeel would always send you notes and flowers to your dressing room when he got the chance. The notes were always the same, but the flowers were always changing based off of the season. When would arrive home first, he would do all the chores just so you wouldn't have to worry about it the next day.

As you headed for home, you wondered how you were going to stay up for the night to welcome Gajeel home.

It was funny how you asked the guy to move in with you. He was rather awkward about the whole thing. His image made it rather difficult to believe that he could ever be awkward.


"S-Shut up! I just find it weird that you want me to move in with you..."

You couldn't stop laughing as his cheeks turned pink against his tanned skin.

"S-Sorry Gajeel! It's just too priceless to see you like this."

"At least I got you to laugh genuinely. Not one of those fake ones that you pull off when you're acting."

It was your turn to blush and for him to laugh.


The apartment was empty like always when you were the first one home.

Taking a small shower, you got into your pajamas before settling in front of the television. Flipping through the channels, your eyes noticed the recording right away. Gajeel had done a live performance on a nationwide talk show back when he first debuted. His first song was titled Best Friend. You never understood what the song even was, but it made you laugh, so you decided to record it while you made dinner.

Hearing Gajeel sing his song from the kitchen, you hummed along until you heard those three strange words.


A loud choke of laughter erupted in the kitchen. How could you not laugh at that?! Trying to calm down, you did your best to focus on making your food. Even if your boyfriend had written such a strange song, it still made you happy each time you heard it.


Gajeel arrived home and entered the apartment to see you passed out on the couch again. He chuckled and walked over to you, but stopped.


His gaze turned to the television to see his first live performance on television. Gajeel looked at you and sighed. Of course you would be watching it. A smile surfaced as he picked up your light frame. Turning off the television, he walked into the room you two shared and tucked you under the covers.

Gajeel kissed your forehead before heading into the bathroom to get ready for bed. He still couldn't believe he even had you in his life. A beautiful woman such as yourself was willing to learn about him as he was. His eyes snuck a quick peek at you once more making him smile.



"Hey Gajeel! Call me for a second."


"Just do it."

Gajeel sighed and dialed your number wondering what you were so giddy about.






"No way! It's the best ringtone ever!"


A/N: SHOOBY DOO BOP! How could I not use this for this situation!? Originally, I wanted this to be cute up the wahzoo, but then I remembered Shooby Doo Bop. See, I wanted to say that I'm going to get real busy real soon and I don't want any of you to feel forgotten or that I have left. No, I'm just working with school and other interests such as streaming. Summer semester is three classes I need to focus on and the fall semester...I decided to take six classes and murder my soul for all eternity //cries. With streaming, I wanted to try it out and it's going well.

Anyways, I love you all! Up next is Rogue! Rogue...what shall I do with you~?





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