Alone (Zeref)

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You closed the book in frustration.

Levy looked at you with concern.

"Are you alright, (First Name)-chan?"

"I'm fine. It's just that...why does everyone want me to look through these books about this guy? Is he really that bad? I mean, he looked sad and helpless."

"(First Name)-chan, Zeref can kill anything that stands in his way. We were lucky enough to survive on Tenrou Island."

She was right.

You had accompanied everyone to Tenrou Island for a vacation while the others were taking the S-Class Promotional Trial. Makarov made you take a vacation after a long mission requiring you to deal with some weirdo obsessed with masks.

When things were getting started, everything started to fall apart.

You found yourself walking with Natsu when you encountered him.

A man with a cute appearance that made you want to hug him for the sad expression she wore.

What the man could do brought fear and shock, but there was also the feeling of remorse. There was nothing for you to even feel that way since you didn't do anything wrong at the time.

After your crazy encounter with him, his name kept appearing after you returned home.

His name was Zeref, a dark mage who cannot die. A mage who takes away life from any living organism.

People feared him and some even worshipped him.

How could such a cute face be the source of all death that they had encountered?

Levy gave a soft smile.

"Maybe you should get some rest. You've been reading since dawn."

"You're right. Thanks Levy."

She nodded and saw you off.


Despite having your break, your thoughts wouldn't go off the topic of Zeref.

It was sad.

He couldn't have any friends to hold dear to because he couldn't control his magic from what you saw.

Compared to you, Zeref was truly alone.

Would the two of you ever meet?

There was fear, but there was another part within you that wanted to befriend him and show him the meaning of how great magic can help others.

Your only problem was finding him and then finally get to know him after that.

Reaching your home, you walked inside finding a small letter.

You rarely got mail.

Grabbing the letter, you opened it and read it to yourself.

'I don't know your name, but you know mine. We've never spoke before directly, but now we have in a sense. When I saw you, there was a spark inside of me that lit. A feeling I haven't felt in so long. Unfortunately, I can't go near you. I don't want you to die. A man like me will never be able to love anything in this world without killing it. Please understand that this will be my first and last letter. Thank you for sparking that feeling back to life. I hope that you find a better man than a man like me.'

No name was written on it, but you were for certain who it was.

How he knew your address was a mystery, but Zeref was a mystery himself.

"Sending me a letter like that and you expect me not to go after you? Stupid..."

You wouldn't tell the others. They would call you crazy.

You were crazy and pretty stubborn.

Not as crazy as to go off and murder people, but crazy enough to look for Zeref and confront him even if it meant death.


"Stay away from me, (First Name)! Please, I beg of you!"

Tears were falling from his eyes.

It was just like when he first saw Natsu on Tenrou Island for the first time.

"I won't leave you alone, Zeref! You're hurting too much. No one should suffer like this."

"Then I'll start everything over! Take away magic from the world..maybe then we could be together."

You stayed quiet.

Was Zeref scared of himself? Was he so scared to the point that he wanted to take away magic away just not to suffer?

"Taking away magic won't solve anything! It'll only cause more problems. Sure, you have dangerous magic, but you can control it! Learn to use it for better purposes."

"How can death be used for a better purpose, (First Name)?! I take away life!"

"I don't know how, but we can find a way, damn it! Seeing you suffer like this isn't fair. You don't have to deal with this alone. I won't leave you alone."

There was silence between you two.

You had tracked him down after five months of searching.

The others were worried for your safety, but you were determined to help the man before you.

He loved you and you loved him.

Zeref was misunderstood and you weren't going to allow some stupid textbooks tell you what you should think about him.

"(First Name)...if you do stay with me, you'll have to leave your life with Fairy Tail. Then there's the problem of me possibly killing you. How can you still care for me knowing that?"

You gave a soft smile as tears fell down your cheeks.

"Because even if you want to die, no one deserves to be alone. So what if I die? At least it'll be you that I'll see before I die. Leaving Fairy Tail...I know they'll be angry with me and will try to bring me back, but I know I'll be happier with you than with anyone else."

Zeref only cried.

"You shouldn't be so nice to me."

Your arms wrapped around him as he cried into your shoulder.

"Well maybe you shouldn't look so damn cute all the time."

You both stood there in silence as he cried.

Zeref had let you in.

From this moment on, you were going to spend the rest of your life at Zeref's side to make him happy. Even after you die, you plan on living by his side within his heart because you didn't want him to be alone anymore.

"Thank you, (First Name)."


A/N: There we go :D adorable Zeref :3 I felt generous and not let the reader die in this as it was my original intention (terrible of me, I know). So, as this is uploads, I'm hoping its with our new Internet instead of the shared Internet that crashes almost every day and never comes back for several hours.

By the way, Kuroko no Basket season 3 is returning on January 10 and I am excited! Haha, I ended up rewatching Seirin vs. Yosen as a refresher and for some reason at one point the music got louder than the dialogue. Well, at least there was subtitles!

Also, I'm going to update this two days a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays. My reason for this is because once the new semester starts up in late January, I'll have less time to write, so I want to get into the habit of doing just that. Hope you all understand.

Up next is...*checks list* Natsu Dragion! Yas! Edolas stuff! Haha, loved that arc ^_^

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