Once A Flirt, Always A Flirt (Loke/Leo)

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((A/N: Starts off before Lucy joined. I just don't like having her around honestly XD))

Today marked your eighteenth birthday and everyone had thrown you a party at the guild. You had only been apart of the guild for six months, but everyone seemed to act like you've always been in the guild since you were a kid.

"Happy Birhtday (First Name)!" Lisanna said cheerfully.

"Thank you Lisanna."

"Today, you become a man!" Elfman roared.

You laughed at the Strauss male before walking over to a table.

Little Romeo sat next to you.

"Happy Birthday (First Name)! Natsu-nii says that he's going to put on a fire show today."

You laughed nervously knowing that it couldn't end well. Either Natsu would catch something on fire or he and Gray would get into one of their usual fights.

"There's the beautiful birthday girl~!"

Before you stood Loke.

He was the guild's flirt and was usually seen with women at his side. It was rather annoying to see him like that, but that wasn't what really ticked you off.

The guy constantly flirted with you non-stop!

"What do you want, Loke?"

The male smirked and took your hand before kissing the back of it.

"To give my gift of course. Today is your day and you deserve a special gift."

You pulled your hand away in disgust.

When he flirted with you, your stomach felt weird and you didn't exactly like it.

"Why the hell would you give me something?"

"Don't be so harsh, darling. Here."

He handed you a medium, hand sized box with a blue velvet bow.

Slowly, you opened it revealing a chain with a pendant that held the sign of Leo from the zodiac.


"You're moved! I knew this was a great idea!"

"My sign is (Your Zodiac Sign), asshole." ((A/N: Um..if you're a Leo...um..use the chinese zodiac? Lol))

Romeo snickered as Loke flinched.

"But Leo is my sign! I thought you would like it because those with the Leo sign have a deep connection with those who are (Zodiac Sign)!"

You closed the box.

"I'll keep it, but there is no way in hell I'm wearing it."

"Eh?! But I worked so hard to get it for you! At least wear it today!"


<<Time Skippuuhh>>

Today marked your twenty-seventh birthday.

It had already been seven years since Tenrou Island had vanished and you had left Fairy Tail after a full year of waiting. Waiting hurt too much.

You were at your sister's house and your sister had already gone to work leaving you alone.

Seemed like only yesterday that Fairy Tail was celebrating your birthday just like the other birthdays you've had.

Getting silly Leo gifts from the infamous Loke.

Around your neck, a familiar chain rested with a Leo pendant.

Since the disappearance of Tenrou Island, you started to wear it.

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