chapter 1

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Severus's pov

I haven't done anything for the past week, more like I don't feel like doing anything. I haven't eaten, attended classes, only going out to the library. Regulus and the others have been trying to get me out of my dorm to eat, even bringing me food, but I don't eat it I can't even bring myself to eat. I guess this is how it feels to slip away.

Maybe things would've been different if those marauders didn't push me. But of course that's not true, they didn't make me say that word, they didn't make me say mudblood....

Even thinking the word leaves a bitter taste. It's all my fault that lily left, it's my fault that everyone hates me, and it's my fault that my dad hates me!

No one's pov

Tears were streaming down Severus's face and his nose was runny, he was a complete mess. He had fallen into depression since losing Lily.

It was just a normal day for severus, reading a book by a tree in the great lawn for him. When the marauders had started to make a joke out of him. And in the heat of the moment his mind was clouded with anger, he hadn't realized he called lily that word until it was too late. He couldn't take it back, and once he said it, lily started to cry and told called him that horrendous nickname the marauders gave him. That day his heart broke, he lost his best friend, his other half and he couldn't believe it. He didn't try to go after her, knowing that she definitely hated him.

Severus was still on his bed crying at everything that happened. He knew he shouldn't stay in too long in case he ruined his health and getting up to shower. He didn't exactly care for himself but he just kept asking himself.

What would lily do?

That was what kept him going. He slipped out of his room and put his hood up in case anyone were to notice he had gone out. His house always looked out for each other because who else would, they were hated for who they were. Even their head of house hated them, and then there was their biased headmaster who couldn't give a damn about them.

Severus slipped out the common room and through the halls avoiding people on his away. And went inside the library, greeting Madam Pince on his way in. Despite the fact she was deemed an unpleasant person by most people, she gave Severus a smile. She was just really good at her job in his eyes. They had gotten on friendly terms since he started coming more often.

Severus walked towards his table, the table he and lily used to sit at and study together. The thoughts brought back the despair. He touched the wooden table with care, afraid it would break under his touch, he sat down in his regular chair with ease.

Severus's pov

I couldn't help but feel around the table remembering every little crack in it and feel. All the memories and words said back then. I touched around not caring and felt something. It feels like paper? Why would paper be underneath my table? I grabbed the paper and saw that it was a letter. That's strange, I wonder who did this. I looked at the mysterious letter in my hands and flipped it over. And saw that is was addressed to me.

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