chapter 3

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No one's pov

Regulus was trying to pick the food off the floor of to no success.

"Reg just leave it, we can get a house elf to clean it". Severus said while trying to pick Regulus off the floor.
"You should go see the others they're most likely worried sick about you".

"Me!? You should be thinking about yourself, we were really worried about you". Regulus gave a doleful look as he spoke, but who could blame him. For a whole week he missed Severus everyday and he didn't come out of his room.

"I'm sorry about that Reg, I shouldn't have done that to you guys. I promise we'll all talk in the morning at breakfast".

"Wait you're finally coming back?". The young boy questioned with much excitement. The older boy just hummed in response ruffling his hair, feeling too tired from the events of the day. Regulus was content enough with that answer and bid him goodbye.

That night Severus slept better than he's ever done all week. Not knowing that his troubles would show themselves later on.

( • _•)
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Morning soon came, as did a young slytherin with every intention of keeping Severus to his promise. He waltzed right into his dorm and tried to get him out of bed.

"Severus get up! We need to go to breakfast!". Regulus shouted at Severus who was clinging onto his bed with all his might.

"And you're going to shower"
"Over my dead body!"

The two kept bickering back in forth until regulus gave a final yank at Severus' legs and threw him into the bathtub.

"Now shower while I get your clothes". Reg closed the door on his way out knowing that would be the only way Severus would bathe.

Severus wouldn't admit it but he enjoyed the bath. He even enjoyed the moment with regulus, regardless the fact he was just pulling him out of bed. It distracted his mind from the things that were about to happen, having to face lily, and the whole school. His feelings for his broken friendship didn't change but they weren't the thing he was focused on right now.

Severus's pov

My mind kept bringing me back to the letter, it was only parchment with pretty words, nothing more and nothing less. The letter asked me to come back, but why did I feel so compelled to follow the plea?

"Is this what it feels like, to be loved?". I asked the rubber duck in my hands . It was a gift from lily as kids, can't believe I still have it honestly. No response, of course because it's a rubber duck.

I finished with my bath, this time I actually put effort into cleaning myself unlike all the other times. Just didn't know I would ever have to deal with these feelings, I know I'm not cut out for love but somehow this letter made me feel hopeful.

( • _•)
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Both me and reg walked out of my room hand in hand. We walked through the school with cold stares following us. I could feel all their eyes on me, especially on our hands. I sneered at the kids that gave us disgusted looks, have they never seen two guys hold hands? But at least they're not focusing on me that much. We passed by a group of gryffindor boys, one of them yelling 'fags'.

I could feel Reg clench my hand. And it took everything I had not to yell profanities at them.

"They're just words Reg. They're only saying them because they wanna feel better about their sad pathetic lives". I whispered into his ear, but even my own advice didn't make my anger lessen.

What gives them the right to judge us when we aren't doing anything?! We continued walking like nothing and stopped.

We reached the doors of the great hall. I could feel my palms turn sweaty and a lump form in my throat. What if lily hates me? What if the marauders come after me again? What if....

"Why am I so scared?", I couldn't even hear my voice when I spoke. I already felt like crying, crap.

"You should feel whatever you want. You needed time to cope after what happened. Nothing that happened was your fault, so don't let them invalidate your feelings, okay?" Their voice was soft and comforting, it helped ease the fear.


We entered the great hall with our hands still together, everyone looked up and spotted us, they all talked behind their hands and their gazes didn't stop. Underneath I was breaking from all their eyes and whispers. I could only catch a few, and all on them were full of hate.

Regulus' pov

I was holding Severus' hand when I felt him stop, I knew it was from the students looking. Merlin how I hate them. They don't know how to mind their own damn business!

"Shove off assholes". I sneered at the kids closest to us and flipped them off. Finally they learned to keep their mouth shut. I know sev wouldn't be too pleased with my actions, but I felt proud at myself for it. No one's going to hurt my big brother as long as I'm here! I gripped his arm and dragged him over to our table.

All the slytherins glared at the other houses, angry at what they were doing. But we were greeted with kind smiles and our friends who were worried about Severus as much as me.

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