chapter 5

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No one's pov

Walking back to the dorms was a pain, especially when Severus still needed to go to the library to get his next letter. Thinking about it, filled him with the same delight as before.

He lost himself in thought thinking about what was written in this one. But also about if it was all a hoax, how could someone ever love him? What if in the end it was a cruel joke to toy with him? After all, it was empirical evidence that he is unlovable.

Then what about lily? She loved him, but he ruined that fairly quickly.

"Sev?". Regulus uttered into his ear. His voice startled him, snapping him out of his daze.


"We were trying to tell you that if you ever wanted to talk about anything, you could talk to us". Narcissia spoke up, she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"And we can comfort each other like group therapy!", Andromeda happily piped up.

"Well as much as we can,  in the end we're all fucked up". Lucius surprised everyone with that, it was really only Bellatrix who spoke like that.

But it was true. All of them had trauma they wanted to get rid of, wishing for everything to be different. Yet Severus never told everything that took place in his house, only snippets. Lily knew though, and with that she could ruin his life.

They walked in silence reaching the portrait to enter the dungeons. It was the tallest out of them to speak this time.

"Then I suppose we're the screwed up kids till the end", Severus remarked, kneeling for Regulus to get off his back.
Lucius doing the same for Andromeda.

"I'll be back in a jiffy". Severus turned and started to walk away waving goodbye, leaving the other teens confused. Leaving them with a burning question.

Where is he off to?

( • _•)
/ >💌

Severus' pov

Surprisingly it was easy enough to get past without them asking questions, as it was a bit late to be going anywhere. Getting into the library was a cinch as well, madame pince even offered to write me a note. How kind of her.

I walked to the back, getting to my table already starting my search. How did I find it last time?

I tried my best to remember how I did it last time. But it just wouldn't come back to me.

"Come on brain think!". I whispered yelled, hitting the sides of my head. Then it hit me, literally. I checked underneath the desk and I felt it.

"Aha! There you are you beautiful thing!", I held the letter up high and I felt entirely smug with my success. I was opening the envelop but then it hit me.

What if I'm being played as a fool?

I stopped myself from opening it further. I set the letter down, and really thought about it. A fool. Ha. What a terrible role to play, but I've been playing it for a while now haven't I?
But to hell with it.

What's one more scene going to hurt? I've already lost lily, lost every bit of reputation I had, lost a childhood, and dealt with every kind of  humiliation there is. I felt a surge of determination course through me.

I seized the letter and ripped it open. I sat down, and started to read.

You truly are divine
Your beauty knows no bounds
It would even make aphrodite green
I saw and heard your laugh through the havoc of food
It filled me with pure adoration knowing I was able to witness such a blessed grace
Seeing you enter I couldn't help but feel jealousy at the sight that I wasn't the one holding your hand
Or planting kisses all over it
Showing the world all my love for you
Now you've made me suffer from cingulomania

With love,
            Your future lover

P. S. You deserve the world and I shall deliver it to you.

I started to tear up, I've been doing that a lot lately. How many tears can I shed? I tried my best to stop from full on bawling, but it didn't work. They fell and hit the parchment leaving smears.

No one's pov

Severus brought his sleeves to his face to wipe away at the tears, letting the letter fall on the floor. The emotions he started to feel were too overwhelming for him. Adding more once he read the letter.

That's how Severus Snape ended up silently weeping in the school library late at night. Without even the slightest idea that James Potter was right beside him hiding underneath his invisibility cloak. And as the love letter said, he was suffering from cingulomania because of Severus.

Author's note
Thank you to all the lovely people still reading my terrible writing . _ . But if you somehow do enjoy my writing, I was hoping you could look at my other stories I'm writing, please and thank you. I hope you have a good day you marvelous human being :)

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