chapter 4

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TW:Mentions of food disorder

No one's pov

The slytherins all looked happy to see Severus, knowing what he has been through they were all beaming at the fact he was back. Especially his friends.

"Severus!". All of them cried out in unison. Andromeda started to sob loudly while stuffing her face. She tended to eat whenever she was emotional, which was always. But it was her way of coping so no one judged her.

"I'm so happy you're back". Her words came out muffled, but Severus still caught it.

"We all missed you!". Lucius told him slapping his back. Narcissia gave a hum for response as to what lucius said.
She hugged him so tightly that he felt she was squeezing the living daylights out of him.

They all sat down to eat. Eyeing Severus as if their lives depended on it. They wanted to make sure he ate this time, after his history of food.

All they knew was he went through something dark because of the marauders. For all they knew, anything could have happened. And they weren't going to let something like this, happen again.

"Ohhhh, sev guess what we did while you were taking a break?!", Bellatrix's asked loudly towards the raven haired boy.

"Uhhh.... what did you guys do?". Severus couldn't help but feel a small hurt at the mention of his isolation.

"We... PRANKED THE MARAUDERS WHILE YOU WERE GONE!!". The girl's blasting voice could be heard all over the great hall. All the slytherins started to cheer at her words. Shouting things like, 'yeah we did', 'no one messes with us', and 'like hell'.

Severus was quite happy with all of his friends welcomes, but he really didn't want them to start a war for him. He just wanted everything back to the way it was.

Before he could get a word out to stop Bella's actions, she had already got on top of the table and started to throw insults at the gryffindor table.

"Of course none of those gryffindors could stop us! After all they're such... cowards". Bellatrix said with a smug smirk on her face, she knew what she was doing, and the gryffindors fell for it.

"SAY THAT AGAIN YOU SNAKE BITCH!" Sirius had jumped on the table now, screaming out at his cousin.

"I'LL DO WHATEVER I WANT YOU DISOWNED DISGRACE SON OF A BITCH!". Bellatrix screamed right back at Sirius with even harsher words. She flipped him off with both fingers and her tongue stuck out.

You could hear the gasps from the houses and cheers from the slytherins.
Sirius' face turned red with anger. All gryffindors looked about ready to burst too. It was about to be an all-out brawl between both houses, and the staff wasn't doing anything in particular to stop it. (McGonagall was on vacation).

That was when regulus grabbed a piece of chicken and launched it right at Sirius' face. That was when all hell broke loose. Both houses started throwing fist fulls of food, a cake was thrown at lucius's hair, Andromeda was trying to catch the food, and Bellatrix was going wild. And regulus was throwing food like a canon, while Severus was hiding under the table.

Severus's pov

I can't believe this is happening! Now I'm going to be late to class!

I lifted the table cloth to see what was happening. And oh dear sweet merlin, if he could see us now. I could see the slytherins throwing all the food at the marauders in particular. I don't know why but it made me laugh, maybe it was the fact that my friends were fighting for me, maybe the fact that all of them were covered head-to-toe in food. Or maybe it was how I felt happy to see lily throw food at the marauders herself.

It hurt me having to see her after I called her that terrible slur. She didn't deserve that, she was always there for me when I needed someone. I feel like running to her as a little boy who wants to go to his mom. I want to reach out and grab her hand and apologize for everything I've ever done. But I know I can't.

Oh God. What do I do?

( • _•)
/ >💌

No one's pov

The fighting had long been over with both houses a complete mess. It had immediately stopped when a certain witch came back from vacation, getting hit with mashed potatoes. All of them knew that they were in imminent danger.

The four houses lost all house points, had to clean the entire castle themselves, and take care of the magical creatures. All in the single course of the day. Missing all of their classes seemed to be the only good thing about it to most students.

"Wow. Just wow." Bellatrix said tired. She had her hands resting on the back of her head to support it.

They were all exhausted. Severus's day back wasn't exactly what they expected it to be. Instead it was full of the pure-bloods learning how to clean for the first time, Bellatrix flirting with girls, and the students smelling like food all day.

"All in favor of blaming Bella for today say 'aye' ", lucius asked his friends.

"Aye", they all said in unison. Andromeda just let out a small grumble.
She was on lucius' back while regulus was on Severus'.

"I regret nothing", was all Bellatrix said in response.

Author's note
Thank you to everyone who reads my writing! This is only my second story so tell me anything about the story you liked or didn't liked. Stay safe and have a good day!

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