chapter 9

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No one's pov

"Alright everyone, looks like we were able to finish this lesson quickly today! So talk amongst yourselves for the last few minutes of class." Professor Slughorn said, going inside his office with a fretful look.

During the class, he limped around with a patch of his hair missing from the side of his head. Even a tooth of his was missing, lesson learnt. Never miss with Minnie.

Potions were the last class of the day, it was also the class the Slytherins and Gryffindors shared. Not the smartest idea to have, especially with hormonal teenagers. Just saying.

The marauders, lily, Severus, and his friends, were all in the class. So everyone was in for it now. Probably Dumbledore's idea, his need for drama needed to be satisfied.

Another thing that "coincidentally" seemed to happen. Was Severus requested for James to sit right beside him, turning heads in their direction ever so often. So far nothing had happened, yet.

Severus looked from the corner of his eye and saw James playing around with his wand. Luckily everyone else was caught up in their conversations to notice his plan.

The sound of a pencil rolling on the ground caught James's attention, he looked up and saw that Severus had a smirk on his face looking back at him. Hinting with his eyes that he wanted him to return it to him.

James bent down and returned the pencil. His gesture of kindness warmed Severus' heart and he confessed his love to the boy right there and then. James confessed too and they got married on the spot.

With Regulus officiating, Lucius as the flower boy, Lily as the maid of honor and glaring at James. The Black sisters making sure everything goes perfectly, the marauders being the groomsmen, with Sirius tackling the haters and homophobes. And then they all lived happily ever after.

Just kidding (° u °).


James bent down and felt something on his back. Snape let out an exaggerated yawn and leaned back into his chair with his legs propped up on James's back.

"I just feel so tired right now, don't you too pet?" His tone was teasing, almost mocking. James let it slide and continued to stay down.

But Sirius,

Sirius could not.

"Get your disgusting legs off James, you knob head!" Severus opened an eye and looked up at Sirius with boredom. His nostrils were flaring and he looked ready to beat the shit out of him.

"Very mature Black." Severus rolled his eyes and wore a smug smirk.

"Why you-!" Sirius rose his arm to strike Snape, but his wrist was held back.

☆ ^☆

"That's enough Black!" A girl's voice rang out from behind. She had her hand clenched around the wrist.

From the corner of his eyes, he caught the fiery glimpse of red hair. Lily.

(I'm listening to "play that funky music" and I keep imagining lily breaking it down 😂).

James had stood up, about ready to do the same to Padfoot, but of course. Lily got there before him, typical.

"Come on Lily! You're going to stand there and act that this load of tosh," Sirius gestured to the two with his free hand.
"Isn't inhuman?"

Lily's eyes wandered down to the two, she held Severus's eyes for a second. For a split second, it looked as if she would crumble.

But instead, Lily threw Sirius's wrist down and folded her arms. Looking at the taller boy up and down with much dissatisfaction and disdain.

"What's inhumane is the cruel mentality you so-called pranksters have put Snape through the past years. And all for what? For the chance, I may fancy a Muppet in return, and feed his inflated ego of giving him the satisfaction!?" Lily's words tore Sirius down. Everyone watched as he struggled to find his words, he tried to open his mouth again but lily cut him off.

"Don't you dare think you can talk over me!" Sirius flinched at her words, freezing in place with fear. To everyone else's belief, he realized that he was finally being put in his place.

"And now you dare to say this is inhuman the moment Potter decides to repay Snape for all of his crimes. If you won't do the same, then this is none of your business." The redhead talked without a single stutter and looked Sirius dead in the eye. For once, during his time at Hogwarts, Sirius had nothing to say.

Lily let out a huff and walked away with pride. Followed closely by, "her best friend", Marlene. And then they were roommates, everyone.

Class ended with everyone giving a look of pity towards Sirius. But underneath, they were secretly happy he was finally pulled down a peg. Especially the b.b.s, bad bitch Slytherins 😎.

Author's note
Yes, it's me, everyone. I know you were most likely expecting chapter 10, but I didn't like how I ended chapter 9 so I decided to change it up. The next one should be chapter 10. I hope you liked this one, tell me your thoughts on this chapter. And if you'd like, please check out my other stories. Stay safe and I hope you have a wonderful day or night, you beautiful person :)

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