chapter 8

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Dumbledore's pov

"EVERYONE THE SEXUAL TENSION I CAN'T!!!". I screamed in the teacher's lounge once lunch had begun.

"Oh shut up you giant bearded baby!". Pincy shouted at me! Who does she think she is!?

"Still salty about our little wager? Hmmm?". I got all up and personal in her face, that'll show her! She scowled and rolled her eyes at me. Oh, she's defo salty, the little snake!

"Yeah, that's what I thought! Always bet on the gays' Madam!". I strutted back to my chair, I'm such an icon!

Flashback and no one's pov

"Bow down, pet". Severus said to James in front of the students and faculty, gasps could be heard from all over the room.

James bowed down without the least bit of hesitation, Severus smirked as he did so. Being filled with pride and smugness at his actions.

"Yes, master...". James grabbed Severus's ankle and gave it a gentle kiss. Severus was ultimately surprised, he didn't expect the boy to say that.

Everyone's mouth hung wide open, they all looked at each other while pointing at the two. Asking each other wordlessly, 'Is this happening!?'. And indeed it was.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, was internally screaming. Happy that his otp was sailing. But on the outside, he was calm and had a smile on his face. With the usual twinkle in his eyes.

(*cough* sparkle *cough*)

James got up and looked into the Slytherin's eyes, awaiting his next order. It may not seem like it to everyone else, but this was nirvana for James.

"For now enjoy your little freedom, James, see you in class." Severus waved him a small goodbye and walked out of the room. He was followed by the entire Slytherin table, who made faces at the Gryffindor table.

His mention of class reminded everyone that there was still class to attend even with whatever just happened. All the students rushed to get out of their seats, along with the teachers who had forgotten about their job.

The only ones still in their places were Sirius and Dumbledore. Sirius watched as his friend had practically sold his life to the enemy, his mind was still trying to wrap his mind around it all.

"Siri! Snap out of it, we need to get going!". Remus tugged on his arm, trying to get him to move. The sandy-haired boy vocalized a groan once he realized that his lover wouldn't get up. He rolled up his sleeves and handed his bag to Peter.

"Then we'll do this the hard way...". Remus scooped Sirius up and carried him bridal style. With ease, he maneuvered through the crowd of students trying to get out. He carried his boyfriend to class as he was stuck in his little world.

"Rem?" Sirius said in a small voice only Remus could've heard it.

"Yes, sweetheart?".

"How come James never told us about this? Do our feelings not matter in this?"
Sirius's voice was tainted with betrayal and hurt.

End of flashback.

( • _•)
/ >💌


All the teachers jumped but soon avoided eye contact and sunk into their chairs once they saw the creator of the sound.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!!". Minerva shouted at the top of her lungs with absolute anger. You could see the absolute terror on Albus's face. He quickly did a small cross and said a quick prayer.

"Yes, Minnie?". He said in the most innocent voice he could muster.

"How could you let two students swear to an Unbreakable Vow! They could die! What will we say to their parents!?" The witch clutched the wizard's robes in her hands tightly, bringing his face close to his.

"Aww, but Minerva! You know I've been waiting so long for them to get together, and I even bet money!" Dumbledore wined, hoping that he would be able to lessen her anger. But once McGonagall is on a war-path the more obstinate she becomes.

"That's not the point Albus and you know it! What you let them do was reckless and dangerous! This could kill Potter if he makes even a tiny mistake!" Minerva's words were filled with rage, it seemed as if she was the only teacher who cared about the students' lives.

"Oh Minerva calm down, I'm sure they'll be perfectly fine. You woman worry too much about the smallest things, let them have fun!". Horace said with an ignorant smile, in his usual obnoxious voice as well, as he layed a hand on her shoulder and stood behind her.

                        'R.I. P',

Is what went through the staffs heads as McGonagall turned her head slowly to him.

Dumbledore mouthed to Horace with a mournful look. He took one for the team, Albus thought to himself as he laughed to himself quietly.

"Don't think I forgot about you...". He gulped, feeling a shiver go down his spin at the words.

Author's note
Do not fret my friends! Next chapter we shall witness the lust between our two oblivious victims. Also I updated this story a bit more early so I could have more time to write the chapter for "The New Friends". Feel free to check out my other stories if you'd like! Stay safe, and have a fabulous day or night you beautiful person :) 💛

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