chapter 6

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No one's pov

Severus wiped away at the tears falling,  failing miserably. Once he stopped, he bent down to pick up the letter, looking so elegant in James' eyes as he did so, it made his heart skip a beat especially when he smiled down at the letter.

Severus then left his spot, bidding goodbye to Madam Pince and leaving the library. James followed closely behind him, then he started to silently run ahead of him.

Turning the corner Severus came face to face with James Potter.

"Good evening snape"

James's pov

I just told snape good evening and called him by his name! Well, technically last name but either way my heart is beating so hard I think it's going to fall out of my chest!

"Potter....". He spat my name with such hatred it hurt. He glared at me with much disdain and once his smile was, is now a scowl.

But I'll take it, all of this is my fault. This is payback for all my misdeeds.

"You're looking well", I blurted out. Trying to act naturally by smiling.

He scoffed, "looking well?".
I mentally slapped myself, how could I say something so foolish!? How did I even think that would be the right thing to say after everything that happened?!

"Your panic is showing Potter", his voice was monotone.

"Sorry about that. But what I wanted to do was apologize for what happened that day Severus".

Severus's pov

Did I hear that right? Is James Potter apologizing?

He looked like a kicked puppy and I just couldn't help it. I covered my mouth and started to cackle. I could see the concern in his eyes as he watched me. Now that was priceless.

"You're sorry? Now that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!". I said in between laughs.

"No Severus I r-"

"Shut. The. Hell. Up!". I cut him off before he continued with his nonsense. I instantly became angry. Who gave him the right to ever use my name!? Who does he think he is?!

"Listen here, Potter. You're a useless, stupid mongoose, and I could care less about your useless apologies... but don't you ever use my name". I jabbed my finger into his chest with every word. Slowly backing him against a wall.

I turned around and started to leave, maybe he'll finally understand.


I spoke too soon.

James's pov

"I promise I won't use your name".

What am I doing?

"But I'm going to make it up to you, I swear!"

Stop it!

"And how do you expect to do that?". Severus questioned with his back to me. He was annoyed by the sound of his tone, but he was right. How was I going to do that?

"I'll umm... I can- wait no...". Fuck! I don't know what to do, what would be the best way to make it up?

"If you don't have an answer then we're done here". He started to reach for the stairs leaving.

"Your slave. I'll be your slave until you're satisfied and I'll do anything you ask of me". I quickly blurted out grabbing his hand. He turned his head quickly and looked at me in disbelief.

"But how do you expect me to believe that you won't break your promise?".

I already knew what he wanted me to answer. He didn't expect that I would do it, but he doesn't know how determined I am to be by his side.

"Tomorrow at breakfast, the whole school as witnesses. We will do the unbreakable vow, don't think I won't do it, Snape".

He had a small smirk planted on his face at my words, but it quickly vanished once he realized I was still holding his hand. He snatched his hand away and brought it to his chest, he covered it with his other one that still held my letter.

He cleared his throat loudly and started to speak again.

"Very well then Potter, let us see if you are a man of your word". I watched him as he turned around, as he got on the staircase and slowly went out of view. Only then did I leave.

I walked down the empty dark corridors, replaying all the things that just happened in my head. I feel as if I'm the luckiest boy to ever live! I caressed my hand I touched his with. But something got me thinking, when I looked at his face, I could've sworn he was blushing.

Side part:
I cannot believe this! I just saw James Potter, become the slave of Severus Snape! His mortal enemy!? Now, this is juicy stuff! I have to tell Minerva!

Unknowing the two boys, Professor Dumbledore was hiding listening to their conversation. Already on his way to Professor McGonagall's room, to tell her what he just discovered.

The same goes for the portraits on the wall. They, the same as Dumbledore, were on their way to tell anyone they could. Gossiping away at what would happen next.

Maybe next time they'll be more careful.

Author's note
Okay, I finally wrote it! How was the sexual tension in the chapter? Be prepared, there will be more 😏. I also definitely didn't write this all today as soon as I woke up😅. But thank you to all the lovely people who read the chapter, I hope you have a good day or night :)

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