chapter 7

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"Did you hear about the new rumor going around?"

"You haven't? Well apparently, the portraits have been chatting about James Potter becoming Severus Snape's slave!"


"That's a load of bollocks!"

"No no, it's true! I heard the same thing"

"What an interesting turn of events innit?"
( • _•)
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Severus's pov

How annoying.

I kept thinking the entire time since I last talked to Potter last night. Becoming my slave? Tch. He talked a lot of rubbish for someone who can't even do a simple school project. It's all talk, he won't do it. He's so gobby!

When we sat down I started to scan the Gryffindor table for Potter. Let's see if he's really up to the task.

No one's pov

"That's him innit it?"
"Yes, go ask him! We need to know if it's true!"
"There's the slave owner."
"Poor Potter."

Loud whispering and quiet laughter were coming from the other tables. And they all had their eyes on Severus.

"Hey, congrats!"
"Can't believe you have Potter to obey your every command!"
"Severus! You are brilliant!"

His classmates that walked by him told him. Severus gritted his teeth and clenched the edge of the table so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Sev, are you alright?". Regulus saw what was happening and concern washed over him.

"I'm just... so... happy!". Severus chirped and clapped his hands together. Regulus jumped back at the sudden change of emotion from the older boy.

He had a cheeky smirk plastered on his face. Frightening the students looking at him, they all quickly turned their heads down. Ceasing their loud gossiping.

"Shall we get started?". A voice called from behind him. His smirk immediately fell.

Dumbledore's pov

Oh, mah goodness! Lads it's happening!
James fricken Potter just went up to Severus Tobias Snape! Buts I've gotta keep my best old man face, can't show them I'm excited! Everyone in the great hall is looking at them, who could've expected this? ME!

GASP! Is- is James seriously trying to hold his hand, ha ha ha! Severus swatted it away, what a loser! Now they're walking over here, right right need to stay calm.

"Hello boys, how are you this fine morning?"

"Just fine Headmaster, may we please make an announcement?". James asked me.

"By all means." They better hurry up with the announcement, I need to win my money!

"We're here to settle the rumor going around that Potter is my slave, he is not my slave," Severus said what?! Students were all saying 'thank merlin'. FOR WHAT!!?? I'm about to lose money, and I love money!

"Not yet at least." THE SUSPENSE! Severus, you're killing me, man. All my little munchkins were gasping and yelling 'that's rubbish!'. BISH SHUT UP! I NEED MY MONEY!!

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