chapter 2

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No one's pov

Severus flipped the letter in his hands. And saw on the back was his name in neat clean handwriting. It wasn't cursive or anything fancy, but it was beautiful. The letter was sealed with a wax sigil, the same as his name, it was lovely.

Severus's pov

I turned my head to look around in case anyone was around to see me. Luckily it was still time for classes so no one was around. I opened the letter and saw what was written.

Eyes as black as a midnight sky
They shine with light of a million stars
Silky skin the color of clouds
Pink soft lips that seem so kissable
Perhaps one day I'll be able to seize them with my own
I miss seeing you everyday, please come back
Just you're skills are enough to amate everything around you
I promise one day I'll exonerate all your woes and worries
Everything you are is lucelent.

With love,

                 Your future lover

P.S. there will be more letters coming soon.

After reading the letter I felt felicity. The words and everything written gave me a warm fuzzy feeling, it wasn't a bad feeling but just different than what I usually feel. It made me feel something I've never felt before, love. I couldn't help the blush, and the small smile playing at my lips, the letter was truly amazing. I wouldn't mind getting another one.

No one's pov

Severus' ears and cheeks were dusted with a light pink. But from behind him, was a cloaked figure grinning from the slytherin's reaction, loving every bit of the boy in front of him. Not even him realizing that.
( • _•)
/ >💌

Severus spent the rest of the day fantasizing about what just happened. Making romantic scenarios in his head about who this admirer could be. He was so lost in thought he almost forgot everything that had happened a week ago. Almost.

He knew he couldn't avoid lily now even if he wanted to. He would soon have to face his demons. He really didn't like the idea of doing that, especially when he would also have to face the marauders after being absent for so long. But he was going to do it, for the thought of being able to receive another love letter.

He truly was a love-sick boy. But what was wrong with that?

A few things actually. But of course only your lovely author will know that ;)

Severus's pov

Right as I was making my mind up about what I wanted to do, I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was regulus, no one else besides him knocked on my door nowadays. If anyone deserves an explanation for anything it's them and everyone else. I've even been avoiding my friends as if they were at fault for what happened.

I opened the door to find reg with a small tray of food for me. His eyes looked so sad and puffy, it hurts having to see them be like this because of me.

"S-sev?". I could see right away that his face brighten when he saw me. Tears welling in his eyes as they did in my own.

"Hey reg", I don't know why but I couldn't help but cry seeing him in front of me.

The tray of food slipped from his hands, and they went up to his face trying to wipe away at the tears falling. I instantly pulled him into a hug, not caring about the food that fell on the ground or the snot and tears on my clothes. I just missed my friend, my little brother. Somehow I still found the energy to laugh at both of us, and so did they. After losing Sirius I knew he saw me as his big brother, maybe that's why it hurt.

"Aw I missed you to you little emotional snake", I said whilst hugging them tightly. I could hear a soft shut up at my statement.

No one's pov

The two slytherins held each other for what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was just a single minute. It was regulus first to pull away, leaving a long strand of snot connected to Severus' shirt.

"How are you feeling?", Regulus asked Severus.


"Oh no the food!". Regulus yelped, interrupting Severus trying to save whatever food he could get and picking up the utensils.

Severus just stood there rolling his eyes at regulus' reaction. He started to feel bittersweet about his situation.

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