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???:What a looser!!.
Pyyrha:Jaune how could you?!.

He looked down. Saddened.
Jaune whispers: I'm sorry.

[Present day]
On board the a UNSC ship Pillar of Autam.

Jaune woke up and looked into the mirror

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Jaune woke up and looked into the mirror.

Jaune: *sighs* I can't believe where going to Remmnant.

The door opens whell he is in his shower.

???: Jaune?!. You up yet?.

Jaune didn't hear Cals voice. She herd the shower was on and so she decided to scare him.

Jaune got out to be greeted by a 6 foot woman with white hair who stood in front of the showers entrance smiling at him.

Jaune: Cal?!!.

He blushed and jumped back. She just giggled and was a bit rid.

Cal: Com on lieutenant. Mission briefing starts at 0800.

Jaune got dressed and had a protein bar on his way to the briefing room. As they walked in Jaunes team was there already along with Fire team.

An: Good morning lieutenant.

Tai: Good morning Sir.

They saluted him.

Jaune: At eas. Where is Kerk and Wendy?.

Lisa: Late as usual sir.

Laskey: Nothing new then.

Jaune: Officer on deck!.

They all saluted.

Keys: At ease.

Commander Keys walked into the room. And the briefing started.

Keys: Laskey would you kindly?.

Laskey: We are going to help the planet Remmnant. A man there named Ozpin some how sent a distress call to us asking for help. As we know lieutenant Arc was born on this planet. We secretly already have a UNSC base on Remmnant. Located near Mantel.

He looks at Jaune.

Laskey: Lieutenant Arc will lead both his team. And Fire team. That means you follow Arcs orders until I or himself states other wise. Am I clear Spartan Lock?.

Lock: Yes sir!.

Keys: End of briefing.

They all walked out and prepared to place on there gear.

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