Episode 5: UNSC vs ATLAS.

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Ironwood: Open fire.
Laskey: This UNSC INFINITY. Surrender now or we will be forced to use lethal aggression.

A giant ship was hovering over Becon. It was bigger than the ships ATLAS used.

Laskey: This is your final warning.
Ozpin: Seems your at a disadvantage James.

Winter was holding on to Weiss with her sword aimed at a ATLAS guard that had is gun aimed to them.
Winter: What is the meaning of this general!?.

Lakey: 3...2...1.
Ironwood: I held!!.
Laskey: Thank you for your co-operation.

The UNSC sent the marines out to arrest Ironwood.
Johnson: Professor.
Ozpin: Yes?.
Johnson: That girl with miss Weiss.
Ozpin: Winter Schnee. Weiss's oldest sister.

Johnson walked up to them as Jaune lowered his arm as the mini gun stopped spinning.
Johnson: Miss Schnee.
Winter looked at the man who called out to her.
Johnson: I'm Sargent Johnson.
Winter:Major Winter Schnee.
They saluted each other.

Johnson: Lieutenant colonel Arc.
Jaune: Sir?.
Johnson: You've been ranked up.
Jaune: What to you mean?.
Johnson: Lieutenant colonel Arc. You are now promoted to lieutenant commander.
They both saluted each other.
Johnson: Major Schnee. How would you like a position in the UNSC.
Winter: Go on.

The two walked off well talking about what to do with her.
Jaune: You look a like.
Weiss: We do?.
Jaune: Indeed. If she was any shorter shed would look like your twin.

[time skip]
Jaune and his team removed there gear and he was walking wen he spotted new students where entering Beacon.
Ozpin: Festival is tomorrow. And Glenda already let the newer students in.
Jaune: Lets just hope nothing bad happens.
Ozpin: Indeed.
He took a sip from his mug.

Jaune went to the mess hall. Cardin and every one only now noticed him. He walked past them and was on his way to sit with team RWBY and NPR.

Marine 1: Greetings General.
He said well his squad mates saluted Jaune. Every one looked shocked. Jaune saluted back.
Jaune: At eas solder.

He sat next to Weiss.
Weiss: Still got to get use to the newer rank?.
Jaune: I did move to the final lieutenant rank.
???: I pulled a few strings and your now a 5 star general. I believe you earned it.
Jaune: Captain on deck!!.

All the UNSC troops where all standing well saluting.
Keys: At eas men.

[classes for Weiss were finished wen her and Winter started talking.
Winter: So wen do I get to meat him?.
Weiss: Meat who?.
Winter: Your boy friend.
Weiss started blushing.
Jaune: Hello there snow flake.
Weiss blushed mor.
Winter: I see you both have already giving each other nick names.
Winter giggled.

Weiss: June. This is my sister Winter. Winter this is Jaune.
Winter: Winter Schnee. Its a pleasure to meat you.
Jaune: Jaune Arc. And like wise.
Winter: Arc?. As in the one who stood in the way so my sister would be ok?.
Jaune: Yep.
Winter hugged him.
Jaune: Ugh.
He awkwardly hugged her back.
Winter: I was going to test you to see if your worthy of Weiss. Standing in front of ATLAS out numbered to take a bullet for her is beyond what i expected. As such you have my blessing.

Winter said well she smiled.
[Time skip]
Grimm started gathering well Becon was having its festival.
Marine1: Sir. I have reports that Grimm are heading in this location.

The Grimm where on there way as the UNSC's Marin's all prepared for battle.
Jaune suited up. Weiss was looking for him wen a marine ran in.
Marine: There's a hord of Grimm on there way here. We need to evacuate you all now.

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