Epispode 11: Mother?.

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Its been a few weeks since the incident. Willow signed the divorce papers and threw Jacques things all out of the house.
Willow then took over her own company again and removed anny who where found to be racist and corrupted. She then started fixing all the things her dumb ex husband did.
Mean while Jaune was sitting down . Weiss was getting her things ready as the next 3 days would be there last days off.

???: Jaune.
A voice called out to him. He looked to see Winter. She sat next to him.
Winter: I'm happy Weiss has you.
Winter looked down.
Winter: I thought she was no longer like that.
Jaune: What do you mean?.
Winter: All those years of arguing left her with PTSD. At one point we had to rush her to hospital. That's when we found out she was suffering from it. Mother said nothing but Weiss started getting panic attacks ever since our father started abusing her as well. You see.

Winter sighs.
Winter: Jacques was never like that. In the beginning Weiss and every one grew closer to him. How ever. Out of every one Weiss suffered the most. She has scars that she hides. I'm telling you this because she wont tell you. And that so you have at least an idea on what she's been through.
Jaune: Weiss is safe with me.

Winter smiled.
[Time skip]

Every one made it back to Becon. Jaune noticed there where new transfers. He was at the gym with Tai and the rest of Echo team. Team RWBY decided to hit the gym as well.
Blake: Just me or are thay a bit.
Nora: Blushy?.

Ren: Seems like it

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Ren: Seems like it.
Ren was just dumb founded by what he saw.
Ruby: Ren is every thing ok?.
Ruby looked at what he was looking at and she almost fell over.

Rem/Ruby: NORA???!!

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Rem/Ruby: NORA???!!.

After the gym was over Jaune decided to use the shower.
[Weiss's POV]
Weiss finished showering and decided to go for a little walk.
???: Weiss!!.
Weiss: Frost??.

Weiss: Frost??

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