Episode 7: My sisters.

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Its been a few weeks now. Jaune was looking around wen he came across a family photo of Weiss with her family.

 Jaune was looking around wen he came across a family photo of Weiss with her family

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Whitley:Fathers currently on leave.
Jaune: I see. You guys don't look very happy in the photo.
Winter: Our fathers not a well liked man. In fact he is the reason our family is both hated and broken.

Winter smiled for a bit.
Winter: I haven't seen Weiss smile in 18 years. I thank you Jaune for returning Weiss's happiness.

Willow: Jaune if I may. What exactly do you do in this military?.
Jaune: I'm a ODST.
Willow: ODST?.
Jaune: Orbital defence shock trooper.
Whitley: And ODST members do what exactly?.
Jaune: We get deployed via drop pods from the planets orbit. We also get to test out experimental gear.

[time skip]
Becon was fixed and Jaune along with Weiss and the other students headed back.
Jaune on bulkheads com's: We are close to Becon.
Johnson: Tell me Jaune. Is she preddy?.
Jaune: Pretty as ever sir.
Winter: So Sargent.
Johnson: Yes major.
Winter: You where telling us how you almost ended up joining the pilots on a space mission.
Marine over coms: Dear Sarge, having a lovely time kicking ass in outer space - wish you were here.
Johnson over coms: I herd that jack ass.
Winter was amazed at how the Sargent spoke so freely. There was a spartan II that was sitting in the bulkhead with her helmet off.


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uby looked at the 7'6 woman who looked like she was 18 or 19. Well the spartan II just smiled warmly at her.
Cal: Hopefully the Grimm learn to not attack our base again.
Johnson: If they do we shall send those basterds packing.

The bulkheads landed and every one got out.
Ozpin: Welcome back my students. Glad to see you are all in one peace.

[Time skip]
Ozpin was making his usual speech for the new comers. Jaune along with Echo team and spartan Cal in there uniforms where all standing next to Ozpin.
Ozpin: Now would mister Arc pleas take the stage.

Ozpin stepped aside but when he said Arc a few voices started whispering in the background.
???: Mister Arc?. As in the Arc family's head?.

Jaune stood by the stage and removed his helmet.
Jaune: The UNSC will be Becons protectors. If Grimm appear or you feel the need to have extra training we of the UNSC will help. My team Echo team. Tai Xiao Long. Kerk Brawn , Wendy Bernardo and Lisa Abigail. will will also be taking in recruit formats for the UNSC if you feel that you want to be a solder of if bing a huntsmen isn't cut out for you.

The speech was over and Jaune was currently walking in the passage way with his helmet off.
Marine: Sir!. We have reports that White fang have infiltrated the courtyard.

Jaune placed on his helmet.

???: Would seem these men need to be taught a lesson.
???: I agree with you on that sis.

Johnson: Alright marines!.

The two figures that where going to fight the WF turned around when armed men showed up.
Johnson: Lets show these knuckle heads we mean business.
Marines: Oohh-Ah!.

The marines opened fire at the WF who where charging at them. One of the WF where going to tackle one of the woman that where going to attack the WF but Jaune got in the way and the WF blade went through Jaune's arm as he head but the WF member with his helmet on braking the WF's nose in. Jaune then drew his assault rifle and opened fire on the WF. He stopped and turned around at the two and removed his helmet.

???/???: Jaune!!!??.

[Jaunes sister Bio]

Bianca Arc- Jaunes oldest sister

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Bianca Arc- Jaunes oldest sister. She is the strongest warrior in their family. She does not want Jaune to become a warrior because she doesn't think he is capable and can't take care of himself, but she does love him very much.

Olivia Arc- Jaunes second older sister. Olivia is the mother-figure of the group. She always treats Jaune like a child. Her fighting style is based on dancing. Everyday Jaune is at Beacon, she worries that he will get hurt. She does believe that he is capable of being a huntsman, but still worries about her baby brother.

Rosemary "Rose" Arc- Jaunes fraternal twin sister. Rose is a major tomboy. She loves battle and is always seeking a fight. She gets a kick out of pulling pranks on Jaune, giving him a hard time and humiliating him. Although she does not show it, she loves her twin brother above all else. She is also a talented artist.

Karen Arc- Karen is one year younger than Jaune and Rose. Karen is the brain child of the family. She loves working with machines. She has a genius-level IQ. She is always creating weapons and all sorts of high-tech gadgets. Her battle style is using her brain. She sees always uses Jaune in her experiments, but she does love her brother.

Aqua Arc- Aqua is a fairy tale fan girl. Aqua is always reading stories of brave knights and beautiful princesses. She has always seen herself as the princess and Jaune as her brave knight coming to her rescue. When Jaune said he wanted to be a huntsman, she supported him the most.

Violet Arc- Violet is the goth girl of the family. While she does not like the Grimm, she does find them fascinating. She is a total dark-freak(she and Blake could get along very well). She is not good with feelings, but she does love Jaune.

Jade Arc- Jade is Jaunes youngest sister. Jade has an large brother complex. She is completely obsessed with her brother. She always wants to be by his side and be just like him when she grows up. When Jaune left to go to Beacon, she made him promise to write to her every week. She loves her big brother above all else.

[Chapter end]

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