Episode 9: A ring.

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Its been 2 years now. Becon is letting the students have a vacation. Jaune was sitting with Weiss and the others in a train on its way to Mantle. Weiss had now gained a scar on her face. At first she thought Jaune would find her less attractive but he held on to her when she showed him.
[Flash back]
Jaune: Weiss I don't care how you look.
[Flash back end]

The train stopped and they got off. Jaune took Weiss out on a date to some fancy restaurant. Ruby. Nora and Blake secretly spied on them.
Jaune: You look beautiful in that dress.

Weiss blushed.
Weiss: Thank you.
Jaune: Any future plans?.
Weiss: What do you mean?.
Jaune: Well withing 1 year we are graduating.
Weiss: My father wants me to take over his business when I graduate.
Jaune: You don't look happy about that.
Weiss: Jaune... my father.
Jaune: Yes?.
Weiss: He told me that he wants me to marry into another family.
Jaune: I don't follow.
Weiss: He placed me in an arranged marriage.

Jaune formed a fist.
Weiss: But my mother said. That if I am giving a ring before then. That the arraigned marriage will be discontinued.
Jaune: I see.

He was thinking deeply. They left and Jaune held Weiss against him and walked to where they could see the ocean and moon.

Weiss: It looks beautiful.

Weiss looked with aw at the view.
Jaune: Weiss about what you told me.
Weiss: I.

Weiss looked down trying to hold back tears. Jaune grabbed her hand and got on his knee and held out a ring.
Jaune: Weiss Schnee.
Weiss: J-Jaune??!!.

She was blushing deeply.
Jaune: Will you marry me?.
Weiss: Yes!.

Jaune placed the ring on her ring finger and kissed her well Ruby, Nora and Blake watched from the corner.

Jaune placed the ring on her ring finger and kissed her well Ruby, Nora and Blake watched from the corner

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Ruby fell out of the corner. Jaune and Weiss both looked as Weiss became embarrassed
Ruby: Hay guys.
Blake and Nora vanished leaving Ruby to fend for herself as she was awkwardly laughing at a angry blushful embarrassed Weiss.
[chapter end]

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