Episode 15: The truth.

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Jaune was sitting down. He was in the infirmary. He's father came to see him. The nurses also fixed Sally's wounds.
Carmine: Herd you went through hell.
Carmine went big eyed when he saw the woman Jaune saved.
Carmine: Jane!?.
Jane: Carmine?.
Carmine: I thought that.
Jane: That I was dead?.

Carmine had a guilty look on his face.

Jane: You there boy who saved me.
Jaune: Yes?.
Jane: What is your name?.
Jaune: Jaune.

Jane slowly walked up to him.
Carmine: Get away from my son!.
Jane: Our son.
Jaune: Wait what?.
Jane: I'm hurt Carmine. You never told the boy about his mother.

Carmine looked down.
Jaune: What do you mean by "our son"?.
Jane: daddy over there nocked me up on a one night stand. To keep it a secret he had killed me. Weren't it for my mothers blood. I wouldn't have resurrected.
Jaune: Wait so your my mother???.
Jane: Indeed I am.
Carmine: Do not listen to her Jaune. She's just one of Saylems goons.
Jane: My mother would never use me. Unlike my father Ozma.
Ozpin: Yet it was your mother who tore the family apart.
Jane: Hello father.

Team RWBY along with JNPR where outside hearing the convo that was happening inside the room. After the long talk Jaune decided to wash Sally. He washed the blood off of her. Then off of himself. Weiss waited in there room as Jaune placed Sally in the next room.

Weiss: Jaune.
Jaune: Ya?.

Weiss saw him get in the bed and she instantly sat on his lap as he held onto her.
Weiss: Wanna talk about it?.
Jaune: If I do i'm afraid you will just hate me.
Weiss: Jaune Arc. Do you really think I could ever hate the man who will give me his family name or I give to him my family's name?.
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Then tell me!.

Jaune told her about the mission and what he saw.
Weiss: I. Thats.
Jaune: Fucked up?.
Weiss: Beyond fucked up.
Jaune: There is more.
Weiss: Go on.
Jaune: So. I found out i'm the grandson of Saylem and Ozpin.
Weiss: That's what your afraid of telling me thinking I would hate you?.
Jaune: Kinda.
Weiss: I don't care for your blood lines or messed up family tree. I only care for the man who melt my heart.

Jaune and Weiss continued like this. Sally peeped through the doors hole to see the two.

 Sally peeped through the doors hole to see the two

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Sally whispers: Ill protect Mommy and Daddy.
[chapter end]

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