Episode 17: Vengance.

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Jaune's hand hit out of the water. It was pale. He slowly got out of the bloody red pool.

Jaune: S-sally?. W-wiess?.

He was limping to the house.

[Time skip]
[Sally's where about]

It was dark. Sally woke up in a weird room. It was dark and there was a man in a tuxedo there.
???: Finally awake?.

[Out side the building]

A woman was reading a book out in the winter snow. She stopped when she saw a man in ODST armor and heavily armed walked up to the building her and her friends where about to brake into.

Jane: Would seem he is here as well. 
???: Who would that be?.
Jane: My son Ani.
Ani: Never told me you had a son. Does Jeff know?.
Jane: I don't plan on letting him know.
???:Wouldn't be a wise idea.
Jane: Relax Jack.
Jack: Perfectly calm.

[Jack and Ani]Jack: What is he to Sally any way?

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[Jack and Ani]
Jack: What is he to Sally any way?.
Jane: Adopted father.

Jaune walked up to the security guard. He looked like a PMC.

PMC: Sir stop there. Turn around and fuck off.

Jaune continued walking.

Jane: Should be interesting.

The PMC drew his pistol. 

PMC: Why do they never listen.

The PMC shot Jaune but the bullet hit into his should. Black blood sprayed over the white snow as Jaune was starting to heal.

PMC: Fuck. *Bang*fuck *bang*.

Jaune got close to him and saw there was a hand print needed to open the door. He grabbed the PMC'S left arm and ripped it off with eas.

Jaune: I'm only borrowing it.

He then placed the hand on the scanner as the doors opened up.

[Back at Sally]
??? on com: Sir!!. We are under attack by some creature. I repeat where..AGH.
Jaune's voice was over the com: I see you.

This sent a chill down the mans spine.
???: Who is this?.

The comes where silent. Then the door was ripped off its hinges as Jaune walked in.

???: Spare me I have a wife and kid.

Jaune grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him up to his face.

Jaune: So did I.

He then forces his thumb through the mans neck. Sally was afraid but knew the armor was Jaune's. She started tearing up.
Jaune: Sally.

He dropped his weapon and the corps and then removed his helmet. Sally was met by her fathers pale skin and black eyes with black hair. He walked to her and then ripped the rope off of her and gently removed the gag from her mouth. She held onto him and he hugged her tightly.

Sally: D-daddy. I. I thought they killed you.

She wined with tears in her eyes.

Jaune: I wont let them take you. 
Sally: Where. Where is mommy?.
Jaune: Mommy is in. Mommy was killed.

Sally held on to her father with a lot of tiers and pain. Jaune was lost in thought.

Jaune's thoughts: Why dose it not hurt to think about her death. Or her in general. Why do I not feel happy that I found Sally. Have I lost more than just my humanity?.

Jaune punched the wall over and carried Sally in his arms. He was met by his mother and two other figures he has never seen before.

Jane: I see you unlocked your powers.

Jaune just looked at her with a blank face. She could tell he lost a lot more.

Jaune: Who are the other two?.
Jane: Ani and Jack.
Ani: He looks like a robot with that emotionless face.
Jack: Just happy Sally is safe. Now. She can come back home with us.
Jaune: You mean back to my home.
Jack: You couldn't even protect her the first time.

Jack tried to force Sally free from Jaune's grasp. Jaune kicked Jacks knee in as his leg broke backwards. He then continued to walk off.

Jane: Ani do not engage. Leave them be. As for you Jack I hope you learned a lesson.

Jaune walked off in the snow well holding his daughter.

[End of Book one] 

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