Episode 4:Ironwood.

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The UNSC finished building there base near Becon. Jaune was still asleep with Weiss in his arms. Johnson knocked on the door and walked in.

Johnson: Wakey wakey sleepy heads.

Jaune and Weiss slowly started waking up.
Jaune: Morning already?.
Johnson: Morning lieutenant. Ma'am.
Jaune: Morning Sargent.
Weiss: Good morning.

Ozpin was walking by and smiled wen he saw that Jaune and Weiss are back together.
Ozpin: Uhh young love.

Ruby was walking around with her team wen they saw Weiss exit Jaune's room.
Ruby: There you are!.
Yang: We looked for you every where yesterday.
Blake: Where you spending the night at Jaune's ?.

Weiss blushed wen she herd that
Yang: Would seem Jaune melted the ice queens heart.
Ruby: Awwww.

They continued to playfully tease Weiss on there way to the mess hall. At the mess hall Jaune noticed Cal was sitting with other female Spartans

 At the mess hall Jaune noticed Cal was sitting with other female Spartans

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Tai: Would seem the other spartan's are here as well.
Buck: Hello there lieutenant colonel Arc.

Jaune turned around to see his old teams leader Buck in spartan iv armor.

[Edward Buck]Jaune: At eas spartan

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[Edward Buck]
Jaune: At eas spartan.
Buck: Just came to check in on ya.
Jaune: Hows the team?.
Buck: Doing alright. Some of the UNSC boys are wondering wen your leaving ODST. Told em your to inlove with the job to just leave it.

Weiss: What is UNSC and ODST?.
Jaune: UNSC is united nations space command. ODST is orbital defence shock troopers.
Ruby: Orbital defence?.
Tai: Where diploid into battle via pods from the planets orbit. Hence the nick name hell jumpers.
Yang: That sounds bad ass dad.
Tai: It is.

Weiss was a bit worried. Getting sent in to unknown combat zone via a drop pod sounded terrifying to her. Jaune could tell something was on her mind and held her hand smiling at her. Making her smile and blush a little.
Ruby: Awwww.

NPR joined them.
Jaune: Good morning Pyyrha ,Ren and Nora.
Pyyrha: Good morning.
Nora: Morning fearless leader.

She said and saluted him.
Ren: Good morning Jaune.

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