Episode 13: Thick as blood.

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Jaune was sitting looking at his pictures of him and Weiss. This made him smile. He felt warmth withing his chest.

Johnson: Jaune.
Jaune: Sir?!.
Johnson: We have a problem.
Jaune: Go on.
Johnson: Grimm have broken through. Sorry for placing you on the battle so soon.
Jaune: Its fine sarg.

Jaune got ready along with Echo team.
Jaune: Alright Echo. We are to go down there and escort civilians.

The doors opine up as Echo team run out and take cover by the buildings. The Grimm where every where. The UNSC had trouble trying yo keep the Grimm back. Lucky the Grimm where not so deep in the city yet. Jaune and his team made it to the building.

[voice over as Jaune kicks the door open]
Keys: How has he been acting lately?.
Weiss: Ever since the mission he has been. Ruff.
Keys: Explain.
Weiss: He screams in his sleep.
[Voice over end]

Jaune found a empty room that was covered with blood.

Jaune: Alright Echo

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Jaune: Alright Echo. Signals coming from this building. Tai watch our backs as we go in.
Tai: Yes sir!.

They walked forward but Jaune had a chill felling in his spine. As if there not meant to be there.
Jaune opened the door in the corner.

Jaune: Seems like a old hospital

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Jaune: Seems like a old hospital. Echo...

Jaune fell over knocked out.

[Voice over]
Weiss: Ever since he found the girl...hes.
Keys: You mean Sally?.
Weiss: Yes.

Voice over stop]
[time skip]
Jaune: Where..
Tai: Finally your awake.

Jaune: Where am I?

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Jaune: Where am I?.
Tai: You blacked out when these things just started to attack us.
Jaune: Status report?.
Cal: Your teams dead. Except for Tai. I came to assist because I had a bad feeling about the building you where ordered to go into.

There was a load scream.
Jaune: What was that?.
Tai: One of them.

Tai helped Jaune up and gave him his assault riffle.
Jaune: What do you mean one of them?.
Cal: Best you see for yourself sir.

The 3 walked along the path and stumbled across the room where the sound came from. Sounded like a gagged woman was eating but swallowing without chewing. Followed by a few grunts.

Jaune: Dear oum!!

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Jaune: Dear oum!!. What the fuck?.
Jaune shot the thing in the face killing it.
Tai: Not a nice site.
Cal: We should find that signal. Quickly.
Jaune: Lets move out.

They ventured forth into the corridors. Killing these nurse like monsters. Eventually they stopped and herd crying.
Jaune: Ill check it out.

Jaune entered the room. What he saw in a way sent him chills. There laid a little girl who was crying. She had bruises and cuts along her body.

Jaune slowly walked up to her

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Jaune slowly walked up to her. Tai entered the room and saw this. Underneath his helmet Tai was beyond the feeling of rage. Jaune gently placed his hand on her shoulder. The girl got a fright and jumped upon his touch.
Jaune: Hay. Its ok. We wont harm you.

She had the look of miss trust on her face.
Jaune: See.

He removed his helmet revealing his face to the girl. He looked at her green eyes and saw pain and suffering.
Jaune: Com with us. We will take you some place safe.
She looked at him still in aw.
Jaune: Tell you what kid. Names Jaune. Whats yours?.
???: S-Sally.

She gently took his hand and he then he picked her up well she held on to her teddy. Jaune placed on his helmet and carried her in one arm well he held his assault rifle in the other.

Cal: Every thing ok?.
Jaune: Ya. Lets move forward.

They never questioned why Jaune held the girl. She was scared at the creatures she saw. But was in aw when Jaune and his team. Well Tai and Cal opened fire and killed them. Eventually they got to the distress signals source. Thay walked in to find someone on the floor passed out. She looked as if her eyes where out. But as Jaune looked closer her iris where all black. He skin was also pale. And she looked like she has bean dead for months.

Jaune: Would appear we are to late.
Cal: Suit detects vitals from her body.
Tai: I will carry her.

Tai picked the woman up bridal style.
Jaune: No sign of the assigned team.
???: Wait don't shoot!!.

A woman fuanas jumped out of the corner. She was wearing ripped apart ODST gear.
Jaune: Rank and name.
???: I am second lieutenant Karra Brigs sir!.
Jaune: Where is the rest of your platoon lieutenant?.
Karra: Dead sir!.

[Chapter end]

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