Episode 6: Meating the family.

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[Willow Schnee]

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[Willow Schnee]

[Whitley Schnee]

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[Whitley Schnee]

Willow: Ironwood. What is the meaning of this?.
Ironwood: Your daughters have interfered with ATLAS.

Iron wood jumped past Winter and hit his gun against her head he then grabbed Weiss holding a gun at her.
Jaune: Let go of her!!.

Jaune landed and and Ironwood dropped Weiss. But Jaune stormed through Ironwood ramming him over and grabbed Weiss before she could hit the floor. Jaune safely placed her down.
Jaune: Every one duck!.
They all got to there knees as Jaune opened fire on the ATLAS guards.

Jaune was killing ATLAS guards left and right

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Jaune was killing ATLAS guards left and right. One of them ran to him from behind.
Weiss: Behind you!.
Jaune turned around and opened fire in close range with his mini gun.

Jaune turned around and opened fire in close range with his mini gun

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Weiss was shocked wen he didn't stop shooting till the ammo was up.
He opened the hatch and got out he then drew two SMG's and removed his helmet looking at Ironwood who was getting up.

 He opened the hatch and got out he then drew two SMG's and removed his helmet looking at Ironwood who was getting up

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Jaune charged him and opened fire well Ironwood did the same. Ironwood hit both Jaune's weapons away .
He then placed his arm over Jaune choking him.
Weiss: JAUNE NO!!.

Jaune bit Ironwoods arm and he bit so hard he manage to pull Ironwoods skin off. Ironwood yelled in pain as Jaune spun around and kicked him hard between the legs. Then before Jaune could kill him Marines showed up and arrested Ironwood.
Jaune whipped the blood off his face and walked to Weiss. Her mother wanting to hold Weiss back but Winter stopped her.

Weiss was mad but before she could say any thing Jaune pulled her in for a kiss.

Willows eyes went wide

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Willows eyes went wide.
Willow: Weiss Schnee!.
Weiss then looked at her mother.
Weiss: Hay mother. Um. This is Jaune Arc. umm.
Weiss was blushing and Willow smiled.
Willow: You did good young man. I am Willow Schnee. Weiss's mother.
Jaune: Its a honor to meat you MRS.Schnee.
Willow:Pleas call me mother. After all you will be my son in law.
That of cors made Weiss blush even more.
Weiss: Mother!?.

They started laughing.
Johnson was looking at the Marines who where all lighned up. Willow along with the students all watched in wonder.

Johnson: Now listen up!. Back in my day we didnt have fancy tanks!. We had sticks. Two sticks and a rock for the intire platoon!. And we had to share the rock!, You should consider yourself very lucky marines!.
Marines: Sir yes sir!.

Willow: So disciplined.

A marine came running to Johnson.
Marine: Sir we have received an apology note from someone who claimed to be the Grimms former leader!.

Johnson took the note and looked at it.
Johnson: Dear humanity we regret being Grimm bastards. We regret coming to Becon. And we regret that the corps just blew up our raggedy-ass horde!.
Marines: Hoo-Ah!.

Johnson then walked to Jaune.
Weiss: You know you kinda give me hope wen I see you fly in that suit.
Johnson: For a brick he flew pretty good.

The UNSC then took the students to Mantel well they worked on prepares for Becon.

[chapter end]
Till next time.

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